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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I have a Web site that I built for you (and myself). See it at:
Many of the photos you see here were made at one of the Ujena Jam events that I have attended. Click the image below if you'd like to attend an upcoming Ujena Jam yourself, either as a model, photographer, or just a member of the audience (yes, like golf tournaments, the Ujena Jam is a spectator sport event).
Cool Slideshows!
Yes, the photos in the slide-shows above are mine. I shot some of them recently in Spain, and the others are from shoots in Florida mostly.
If you're new to modeling, or if you'd like to become a model, go to one of my Web sites. It's called Help For Models.
- If you want to know more about me visit for some details. You won't find my whole life story there though. For that you'll have to get to know me first.
Hey, I'm an Earth Monkey! Check it out here .
Princeton study scares me - see how electronic votes can be stolen:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Miss Boca Raton - oh yeah, I already have met her.

Linda K. Hill - Miss Boca Raton 2008 (above) at our first shoot together.

Congratulations Linda!

Hmmm . . .

I really would like to meet just about everyone, but I just don't have the time. I wish I could have met Ansel Adams and some of the other great photographers who have died during my lifetime. I'd like to meet Neil Peart, one of my favorite drummers and lyricists. I wish I could have met Salvador Dali. I'd love to meet Mary Ellen Mark, Ridley Scott, Elle MacPherson, Cindy Crawford, and Milla Jojovich. I'd like to meet my future wife (if I haven't already), that is if I will ever get married.

I'd also like to meet people who travel a lot, because I like to travel, as you can see by the maps below.

Where are you going? Create your own travel map! View ScottKennelly's TravBuddy Profile

Anyone want to go traveling? I'll be your photographer!

I've already met so many wonderful people in this world so far - and what variety! I've met bums, billionaires, actors, senators, painters and models. I guess I'll meet a few more people, and whoever it is (as long as they aren't total jerks) will probably be wonderful. I like most of the people I meet, and everyday people seem to be just great.

Hey, here's someone YOU might like to meet. He gives some advice that seems pretty good to me:

Ira Glasser

Check out his video: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters

My Blog

Landscape Photographers

There is a myriad of photographers out there. There are sports photographers who specialize in shooting race cars (speeding around the track or maybe crashing). Some race photographers are specializin...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 12:04:00 GMT

Closing This Year Strong

So I'm earning now. I'll be shooting more and more until the end of the year. Next year will be the year to earn more and focus more on my objective of shooting primarily commercial fashion. I'm not o...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Nov 2009 11:06:00 GMT

Why I'm Raising My Rates

I eat drink and sleep photography. It's all I want to do with my life. In fact, I've found what I want to do when I grow up. I AM grown up. I AM a photographer. Unfortunately, I have people telling me...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Nov 2009 10:56:00 GMT


Computers are weird things.  They make you wait when you don't want to, they do things fast when you least expect it, and they change speed from time to time. I exported some photos today, and a few s...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Oct 2009 14:10:00 GMT

Romeo And Juliet - The Movie - WOW!

I can't belive my incredible misfortune to have missed the amazing realization that the movie I just saw is truly the most incredible work of art I've ever seen. I remember that a girl once told me th...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Aug 2009 15:57:00 GMT

Metamaterials . . . wow!

I just read a little about metamaterials at Wikipedia, because I found out about them through my research into the theoretical "perfect lens" (another story entirely). You should read about metamateri...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Aug 2009 12:49:00 GMT

New Romantic Photos

Recently I shot some photos of a model with her boyfriend. They were so romantic together! Here's the link: about the anti-copy watermarks.
Posted by on Wed, 22 Jul 2009 09:19:00 GMT

The Process Of Human-Computer Integration Has Begun

I just installed TweetDeck on my computer. I haven't added such a thing (little application to help me "keep in touch" for years, since I found out that those chat apps. can open your computer up to a...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jun 2009 14:35:00 GMT

Motivation, Dreams, and Dedication

I've recently had a conversation with a friend, who seems to be losing faith in his dreams. I believe our dreams CAN come true. I believe we see evidence of that possibility all around us all the time...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 15:00:00 GMT

An Interesting Quote From . . . An Environmentalist?

"Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant but a naturally occurring, beneficial trace gas in the atmosphere. For the past few million years, the Earth has existed in a state of relative carbon dioxide star...
Posted by on Sat, 30 May 2009 10:54:00 GMT