T-Bird profile picture


Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people

About Me

I appreciate people from all walks of life and accept them for whoever they may be. You make yourself you, not your circumstances or surroundings. Genuine is key! I am fascinated by people worldwide and their behavior but must admit I love children and animals more. People, I tend to tolerate, most of the time. I like people with good and positive energy, period! Sometimes it's too time consuming to navigate around all the social adult relationships and "stuff" that goes with it... People make things sooo complicated. Whatever happened to simplicity? Jack Johnson, come to the rescue!
A friend said it best once: discover yourself instead of judging others! I absolutely agree and wish to follow that myself. Our biased and judgemental societies make that a daily challenge, but hey - we make it what we want:)..
I stay far away from dark souls, "negative nancies", drama queens, fakers, stalkers, followers and people who are not real! Aside from that, anyone with half a brain can be cool... If they use it!
I am pretty private.. The one thing I will give away is that I spend a lot of time in LA, NY, FL and South America. Love them all for different reasons. Home is wherever my big heart is at the time...
Perhaps it's the cities I live in that make me truly appreciate and aspire to have my simple roots, with all the "real" stuff that matters. You can't bite the hand that feeds you, for sure. But the rest is just a "vehicle or means" to afford you a quality life with freedom, family, friends, laughter and love. My mother always said you will go full circle in life. I guess I am on the incline ready to slide back down. Having said that, I think I will go crawl into bed alone with NADA of the above mentioned... haha - what a hypocrite!
This profile was designed by ~lady marmalade~
Shirley Horn-Heres to Life


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People that make me laugh my until my stomach hurts. They automatically become my heroes! (or at least smile). People need to laugh more - including ME! Anyone else inspiring, funny, motivating or unique characters that beat to their own drums.

No cookie cutters or commons allowed! Don't bother. Stay out and go bore someone else... I admire and respect people who are GENUINE.
I don't care who "you" are, as long as you stand firm in your shoes and "own" yourself, opinions and beliefs. That's beyond admirable and cool! At least you deserve respect. If you are a follower and changing your tunes to accommodate others - GROSS and spineless!

My personality type gravitates towards the quiet shy types (peaceful) who don't feel obligated to sell themselves to the world. They don't need to because they know exactly who they are... People that need to be the center of attention and constantly talk about all their deals (YAWN!) are the most annoying ever...Wake up with a smile and embrace the adventures of every day. Make it fun!

Although I have many friends in different places, I would consider most acquaintances, some strong acquaintances and then those I would put my life before. I am such a protective momma bear with claws when I protect my "inner circle" which is fairly tough to enter. Trust and loyalty are NOT virtues I give away (or assumed) but rather something earned. Only time can reveal those qualities.Daily life is and can be good, anyway you look at it. It is all a matter of choice..Life isn't playing a good hand, but playing your cards well! I can't stand people who have pitty parties for themselves. Go start a BOO HOO club!:((

My Blog

Shirley Horn-Heres to Life

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA8lSyGUQmA LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 13:10:00 GMT


ALERT! If you are getting wierd messages/comments from me, please disregard because they ARE NOT ME. Obviously I would not sound like this idiot using my profile to promote their sleaze... At least th...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 22:33:00 GMT