DUDES... Most guys don't know when you're taking a girl out. To always open the door for them... and buy them flowers so they know they are important to you for even giving you a chance with them.. FLOWERS... If you're going to buy them roses make sure its a good relationship between the two of you... if not buy them there favorite flowers... CLOTHES... and guys if your planning to go on a date and if your a thug wannabe...make sure you look good instead of wearing clothes that you know doesn't fit your ass I mean why wear jeans that sag all your doing is making a fool out of your self not to mention it look like u took a shit on yourself... SENT... And if you really respect the ladies make sure your ass smells good Meaning take a fucking shower and put on deodorant and make sure you have a good smelling cologne to wear on the big night... for instance dont go to wall mart and pick up a can of axe and think its all good I smell fine she will never know Cause trust me she knows your ass is wearing body spray she has indeed has many guy friends whom wear axe and when your on a date... you at least want her to remember you as smelling good not a bottle of 3.75 a can of axe... TRANSPORTATION: A good girl wont care what kinda car u drive... but if your picking her up like a true gentlemen would do... you will make sure its clean and smells good... And it never hurts to have to music she likes on a CD... but if u don't know what she likes... you can never go wrong with berry white... lol SMOKING... Now this one can blow the whole thing... Now smoking is bad... But if you must make sure she is ok with it It always helps calm the nerves down... BODY HAIR... Ok no girl wants to be with a guy whom cant look clean. hair issue is very important... now back in the 60s the hamburger meat was considered kewl to have hanging out of the collar of your shirt... but this is 2006 they have wax now to take all that off... and if you really want to get looking good make sure you trim or shave the mound... no girl want to go down south to a jungle... me personally I shave everything cause I have sexy tattoos down there... plus body hair causes a stench And if theres a odor stay away... so I have always been told And dudes make sure you have 2 eye brows instead of one unibrow... House/home... If your going to bring a girl home first make sure your bathroom is clean... a girl can always tell what kinda guy you are by looking at your toilet/bath tub... And make sure your house is clean not you're clean... the way your mama/grandmother would clean... Always have some kind of candles burning... And if your ass isn't cheap after buying dinner make sure you have a bottle of wine at your house... BEDDING If your going to have a girl stay the night makes sure your bed sheets are clean she doesnt want to sleep in your stinky body oils.. Make sure your bed is always made nice and neat MEETING PARENTS Ok when your meeting there parents makes sure you look at the father first look him in the eyes when you shake his hand and don't be a pussy gives him a strong firm grip. Always say yes sir and no maim no matter what It shows a great deal of respect talk about things there interested in even if your not It just shows you're interested in getting to know them MOVING TO FAST Ok when when you're in a relationship or just get in one. Dont move to fast you don't want her to feel too crowded Now if you truly love her in your heart. Be fair to her give her some time so keep it to yourself. You will be amazed on how much longer your relationship last if you hold off on those three words Now you know if your moving to fast if you keep asking her where shes at all the time!!! The girls life does not revolve around you let her breath a little don't make the same mistake most and every guy makes by calling her every 30 min wondering where she is who shes with just don't do it this isnt Nike where you just do it this is the girl thats giving your ass a chance So don't FUCK it up And my friend Nikki once told me A girl doesn't want to move to fast they wanna keep all the good stuff for when the feelings are more established and that is soooo true cause once all the feeling are out on the table theres nothing to look forward in the future So please take your time if she really means that much to you. You will do it for her. Let her get use to you And if it were meant to be she will come around this can go on forever theres really a lot more to know about this topic you will just have to wait and see Ok thats all I'm saying.. About that... but guys treat your girls with respect... and you should know there always right... so don't bother arguing with them because your ass will end up sleeping on the couch... or alone and most likely not getting a second date