Most of you know me as an author, now I welcome you to venture into my world of music. I have only been playing guitar since late January 2008. I am self-taught at guitar. I have always had a love of music and now I am able to finally share it with you. This is a new hobby that I am doing, I'm not looking to be the next rockstar. My first song "Everyday" was completed in early March 2008. I am in the process of writing more tracks and they will be uploaded as I get them done; in between writing more books. Some may be heavier and some may be lighter music, it all depends on my mood for the song. I recorded everything with a mic plugged into my computer.
Songs Recorded:
Everyday - March 2008
Feel This Way - April 2008
Revive - May 2008
Never Too Late (Three Days Grace cover) - July 2008