Wha gwan!! Well... I'm basically an open-minded, clairvoyant, Jamerican individual. I go by Voodoo AKA Jamaican Rum. Most people may think of or refer 2 me as N entertainer (of which I have no objection 2) but either way at the end of the day I & I's pleasure remains and always will B priority over the crowds, [I & I = Me and mines or my God, my friends, my family, and myself] still got luv fa yall doe. The most underated implimentation 2 life's success is peace of mind. Music is my main substance of choice N I abuse it daily. I rap, sing, do reggae N dancehall. I also act, write screenplays, N M also known 2 dabble N my fair share of buffoonery as well. My newest N current creative focus is Jahration, a reggae band in it's youthfull stage that I've been blessed 2 have founded as well as B apart of. 1st off I don..t like people who fake or lie just 2 get by (out of timidness or fear of confrontaion or whatever the case may B). Being frustrated N confused on how 2 go about things in life is 1 thing that I believe we can all relate 2, but allow'n that frustration 2 become poisonous N manifest N2 shady characteristics will make me livid N is sum'n that I will not tolerate around me. So B truthful and life will B alot easier 4 all parties involved.
(Wherever there..s Voodoo B sure that the Dolls R not far behind)ATTENTION: Ladies I am on the hunt for 3 women 2 become my Voodoo Dolls. U have the option 2 choose from 1 of 3 particular types of styles 4 your daily attitude N attire, Rasta / Island gyal, Earthy / Neo-soul, or the Gothic / Punk look. If U so choose 2 except this mission U 1st must live N KC or tha ATL (as far as the island gyal is concerned U must actually B of West Indian descent) N though U need not B musicly inclined it helps if U have an appreciation for music.
Basically the Voodoo Dolls R sumwhat like Charlie..s Angels, 3 very sexy N intellegent women that get IT done. What is IT U ask? Anything that requires their assistance, 4 instance..... the 1st young lady shall act as a personal assistant, make..n sure that all the N..s N outs of our day 2 day R organized N that everything is well on it..s way 2 being take..n care of. The 2nd 1 will B the 1 that follows through with all the arrangements that have been set up 2 be executed, such as make..n the calls most of the time N make..n sure that the business relationships stay tight. Last but not least the 3rd would B the more hands on woman N which actually carries out what needs 2 B done play by play, day by day N would also most likely B more involved on the creative side of things such as hair N attire N just make..n sure the image N attitude is constantly intact N that the whole operation is never slip..n. Let me know if U feel U can bring sum..n 2 the table and/or what most particularly peaks your interest about the situation at hand. If you are interested hit me up and I..ll get at you wit sum more info.
REBEL MUSIC UP!!! I'm currently N KC record'n my own thoughts 2 music N songlike format, 4 any1 that might had wanted 2 know. Lately I've found myself concerned with hold'n down my Jamaican culture alot stronger as well as my hometown, more particularly the Southside of KC which is where I was raised. As a result of me come'n back home and livin in the same house that I grew up in I've become saturated in thought N emotion about the then N now present state of my lifelong stomp'n grounds. I plan on sharing whatever I cum up with after I step outta the studio. Until then peace, love, respect, & Jahration.