THE CITY COUNCIL OF CASTAIC, EVENT 360, and ROCK THE DENIM are already in the beginning stages of planning an amazing 2009 Castaic Days event at Castaic Lake for the Los Angeles area.
THE DATES ARE NOW SET ! Friday - MAY 29th, Sat MAY 30th, Sun MAY 31st
Lots of great food and drink lakeside!
For entertainment -
Friday night - we'll have acoustic music on stage, a theatre presentation - then movie on the lake to kick things off
Saturday we'll have live music from 10am to 8pm - including local artists and international touring artists.. LOCAL ARTISTS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN PERFORMING SHOULD SEND AN E MAIL TO:
[email protected] for more information - send your website or music link if available.
Sunday we'll have live music from 11am to 3pm - including more local artists, international artists and some other fun suprises.