Nationality: Taiwanese
Height: 5'3
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Store: BeBeSwEeT, CaRinG, dedicated SmiLeyAngeL are the four best
words to describe me. =)
Graduated from CAL Berkeley '06 but now back in my hometown in San Mateo, Cali.
I like to dance, volunteer, shop, help others, go
sightseeing and anything that's FuN!
I like to try new things, meet tons of new people (if you
are interested, don't hestitate to im me) but most of all,
I like to SMILE! =)*Learn from your experiences, and live lyfe with no regret. Be who you want to be and live the dream that you wish.**Change is never too late. Love is indescribable, you'll
know its real when no words can describe your feelings and
no matter what happens or what they do you'll be by their
side. Cherish that moment, Be true to yourself. 10% is what happens in lyfe and 90% is how you react to it.*