Gone with the Wind profile picture

Gone with the Wind

O Great Spirit, hear our song, Help us keep the ancient ways, Keep the sacred fire strong, Walk in b

About Me

SN: Masquerade665 " I am just a mere memory, thats all."
I love....
I love family.I love friends.I love dancing.I love hummingbirds.I love singing.I love crew.I love musical theater.I love Waes Haeil.I love dreamcatchers.I love sunsets.I love trying to speak Cherokee.I love weeping willows.I love walking trails.I love adventures.I love soy milk.I love music.I love acoustic guitars.I love recorders.I love Robert Mirabal's native flutes.I love walking trails.I love exploring.I love heritage.I love all religions.I love the conflict between science and religion.I love cats.I love romantics.I love humor.I love magic.I love Phantom of the Opera.I love web designing.I love to be loved.I love hugs.I love bonfires.I love to volunteer.I love to read.I love to have fun.I love meditation sounds.I love rice milk. I love poke wars.I love nature sounds.I love pianos.I love the Woodland Trail. I love driving. I love lots of things.

My Interests

Dreamcatchers and making them, hiking or walking trails, sunrise and sunsets but-- Sunsets I like better due to the beauty of the setting sun, singing, dancing, the Cherokee language (i am still trying to get the hang of it, even the symbology writing), driving, meditation sounds (soo soothing to listen to when i go to sleep...i love the nature sound ones), spending time with family and friends, crew for theatrical performances,looking at the stars, fall and summer, hugs, heritage, Italy, bonfires, cats, volunteering, exploring unknown lands, musical theater, humor, learning to play acoustic guitar { still bad at it, but im trying! :-) }, religions, the confliction between science and religion, reading, web designing, weeping willow trees, understanding the meaning of life itself and a whole bunch of other things. thats me.


It's interesting now how my sister has gotten me into country music now, whereas before I was not that much of a fan, but I like it now. I also like listening to Broadway musical classics, native american music, meditative sounds, some classical pieces, opera, rock, finnish, and many others. Basically I have a wide view on what I like to listen to, so anything that appeals to my ears I will like otherwise, if the music does not suit my fancy, than I will not like it.


For movies, I like to watch comedy, horror, and action movies personally and maybe some drama.


Andrea Bocelli: The Silence of Music
The Phantom of the Opera
Angels and Demons
Tuesdays With Morrie
and many others as well


In my life I have many heroes whether they are famous or just close friends or loved ones. They are the people who have touched me and inspired me. So most likely you are a hero to me.