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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

/I'm laid back/I love my friends/My eyes start conversations like you wouldn't believe/I adore the internet/I do volunteer work even though I've collected all of my hours required to graduate/I hate ignorance/I have the innate gift of making people laugh so hard they'll spit out food and/or throw up/I'm an audiophile/TiVo is way better than sliced bread- I could eat a loaf of bread and watch something I TiVoed at the same time/I obsess easily/Coffee is wonderful/I'm Jewish, blonde, blue-eyed and small nosed. Don't tell me I could have hidden during World War II- it's not a compliment/I love New York and I want to live there when I become an adult/I've been told that I'm really funny and if I don't broadcast it to the world, Taylor, Nick, Gabrielle and Alba will never forgive me/I didn't learn much in Chemistry last year because I sat next to the amazing Alba and we drew amazing pictures of amazingness/Being on stage is the most incredible feeling in the world/Dirty jokes make me laugh for days/If I hurt my friends, deep down, I never forgive myself/I love babies, because they smile and they can't talk back/Annie is a horrible idea altogether/I'm belonephobic, and it has nothing to do with being afraid of lunchmeat, it's a fear of sharply pointed objects, it's also known as trypanophobia, aichmophobia, or enetophobia/The word "pudding" will always make me laugh/"Pearls Before Swine" is the best comic strip ever/I swear too much/The word "gay" is not an acceptable substitute for the words "stupid" and "lame"/I want you to want me/I've never drank alcohol or wine and I couldn't tell you what end of a cancer stick to suck on/Reality television pisses me off/I love comic books/Humor is my defense mechanism and it has evolved into a part of my personality/If I say something rude and I love you, it was a joke {Paco... te quiero mucho}/Fish creep me out/I didn't understand the "Holy Bartender" joke in Dogma until the 10th time I saw it/I've never been in a relationship and it doesn't bother me... much/My favorite scents are Love Spell and buttercream/I love frat-pack movies/At least I've got a good personality/I hate waking up early/I'm a dope-ass warrior/I bite my nails and I usually have a band-aid on one of my fingers/Only Dean and Sam can wear prison jumpsuits and not look horrid/Our drumline is better than yours/And so is our swimteam/I FUCKING HATE CLIVE OWEN/Happiness is only real when shared/
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki/Joe Anderson/Jim Sturgess/Eric Szmanda/Ellen Page/Garrett Hedlund/Henry Ian Cusick/Hugh Jackman/Aaron Stanford/Christian Bale/Kristen Chenoweth/Sarah Silverman/Dane Cook/Gerard Butler/Keira Knightley/Alan Tudyk/Ben Foster/Paul Rudd/Diablo Cody/Eric Kripke/Alona Tal/Seth Meyers/James Marsden/Samantha Ferris/Chad Lindberg/David Bowie/Jeremy Davies/Kristen Wiig/Christian Campbell/Kristen Bell/John Kassir/Steven Weber/Amy Spanger/Alan Cumming/Shia LaBeouf/Vitas/Aaron Eckhart/

My Blog

New Recording!

Check out my recordings and let me know what you think! So I just did another MySpace Karaoke thingy... lemme know what you think. I had a bit of a cold, so it's not my best, but wha...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 11:25:00 GMT

So I did some MySpace Karaoke...

Check out my recordings and let me know what you think! Lemme know what you think- good or bad. I've been wanting to try this for a while...<33
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 18:33:00 GMT


Leave me your name and I'll tell you something- it's always nice to hear something good about yourself, isn't it? 33
Posted by on Thu, 22 May 2008 14:00:00 GMT

The Ruins

So disappointed. They totally fucked the book over, and to top it off, some woman had some kind of horrifying panic attack. So, we're just sitting there, and all of a sudden, some guy is yelling, "GE...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 21:20:00 GMT

Mock Crash

Today really disappointed me. A mock crash is something that is supposed to make you think, not laugh like a total jackass when Adrian gets out of the helicopter. The only time laughter was appropria...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 17:18:00 GMT

P.S. I Love You

All right. Those of you who know me, you know I'm not big on chick flicks. However... Gerard Butler demands my love, because Hilary Swank looks like a beaver. Very well acted. Kaitlyn, James "Fish Boy...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 13:08:00 GMT

It’s Been A While...

Woohoo for break! I got a B on my math exam, A on English, I passed online P.E. with an A, and I am homefree for two glorious weeks. I met Vonzell from American Idol tonight. She was soooooooo sweet. ...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 20:04:00 GMT

SPN Babbling

Merde. Much to my dismay, I find myself actually liking Ruby, which infuriates me because I swore not to. But I hate Bela, so it evens out. I think Season 3 got off to a very slow start. Out of the f...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 23:36:00 GMT

All Shook Up

was amazing. It was probably one of the best shows I've ever seen and I really wish I was in town during auditions. Nick, Gabrielle and Angel = My heroes. I love you guys soooooooooooooo friggin' much...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 09:39:00 GMT

2007 Emmy Noms... WTF?

Outstanding Casting For A Drama Series  Brothers & SistersFriday Night Lights Grey's Anatomy Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip The Tudors  WHERE THE FUCK IS CSI?  Outsta...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 21:16:00 GMT