Any of the Following women O_O (drewl)
-Dashboard Cofessional
-Linkin Park
-Sum 41
-Fallout Boy
-New Found Glory
-Papa Rouch
-Three Days Grace
-X-men 1,2,3
-Final Destination 1,2,3
-Man On Fire
-Final Fantasy VII:AC
-Fullmetal Alchemist
-Ninja Turtles 1,2,3
-Fullmetal Alchemist
-Law and Order:SVU
-Trinity Blood
-T-Minus Rock
-South Park
-Drawn Together
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I guess my heroes would be:
My Parents:
They've done and gone through so much to not only better there own lives but my sisters and mine as well. There always willing to stand by whatever we choose to do with our lives, even if they dont agree with it completely.
My Sisters:
Even though I dont like to admit it, they have been like second moms to me. I really dont know what I would do without them. There the best sisters a guy could ever ask for.
My Friends:
Before I couldn't say that my friends were my heros, but after all thats happened this past year, how can I not. They saved me more times then I think they even know. Sometimes I dont think I deserve friends like this, but I'm as happy as hell that I do. My best friends Joser and Vi