MySpace Layouts - Rising Smoke myspace layouts
The band got its name from the idea that the sky shows such power and emotion from its thunder and lightning......its rain and billowing clouds.....its bright glow of a sunset or dawn. Behind the Skye tries to capture those moments with powerful music from the heart. What is behind it all? Casey and Liz's vocals just shine together as they blend together and seperate with vocal harmony. Bob's bass rhythm supports gently under Casey's acoustic guitar strum. Rodney lay's down a foundation for driving moments in the band's sound. With the bagpipes, flute and keyboards.....Behind the Skye fuses these sounds to create an eclectic sound and a great performing act!
Liz wrote "Against the Frost"© with its sense of loss and reflection. Also the title track "Still Dreaming"© is so reflective of the band and captures the band's musical essense. Liz writes most of the lyrics to the band's material. Casey is just getting into writing songs with a new tune called "Father"©
Liz and Casey collaborated on "Stay Awhile"© and "City of Lights"©, they both have that bright rock sound that just keeps playing in the mind long after the music stops
Rodney wrote "Nine Eleven (Psalm 23)"© shortly after the Twin Towers fell in New York. Capturing the tragedy of the towers falling and the comforting thoughts of Psalms 23 at the end of life
"K.I.A."© is Rodney's journey of a soldier who is shot in the jungle and the struggle to get the soldier to the helicopter desperately. So many soldiers make it to the chopper but still.... sadly.....slip unto death. Never embracing their loved ones again (WE SALUTE YOU)............. On the lighter side, Bob brought to the band a fun little pipe tune called "Itchy Fingers" that the band loves to rock to
It is hard to pin the band's sound to a few "labels." We just want to make good music and we will let you decide.
What is..............Behind the Skye?Thanks for listening,
Bob, Casey, Liz and Rodney!
Bob Pennington - bagpipe, bass, and bodhran Experience:
I continue to play with the Michigan based Celtic band EQUINOX. We play all over the state and into Ohio at festivals , theatres and concerts. The Highland bagpipes ignited a passion for music which eventually led me to pursue the bodhran (irish frame drum) and the bass guitar. Rodney and I have experimented together with the band The Unity Project. I have played in various ensembles of bands like Argantos, and Golden Torc. Influences on my musical style:My influences of music come from Seven Nations, Dervish, Lunasa, Old Blind Dogs and Clandestine. I grew up loving Rush, Van Halen and U2. I also have learned a lot from bands such E Muzeki, Djilia Phralengo, Crannog and a great performer Kevin Tyler. New Age music has influenced me with Enya, Clannad and Vladiswar Nadishana. Hands down the best performer I have ever personally seen is a bagpiper named Neil Anderson (simple blood, sweat and left it all on the stage)
Rod Brocke – drums, keyboards, sound engineering
I began drumming on coffee cans when I was 9. A couple years later I got my first drum set – a 3-piece kit with one cymbal and a hi-hat. In high school I played percussion in concert band and stage band. Aside from school functions, I had my first experience playing in a live band when I was 13. It was a trio that played every weekend in a pub during the summer, just down the road from where I lived. They paid me big money -- $20 per night! Throughout my high school years I continued to build my skills as a drummer and played for school dances in: Black Lightning (pop, legacy rock), and Sapphire (pop/rock). Following high school I played with numerous other bands: Spectre (pop), Stan Rhodda (gospel contemporary), Khantra (heavy metal), and The Unity Project (Christian rock).
Influences on my drumming style: Many drummers have contributed to my style, but Don Brewer of Grand Funk Railroad influenced me more than any other drummer.
Influences on my musical style: The biggest influence was the music produced by Styx in the 1970s. I really grew to appreciate the musical genius in Dennis DeYoung, especially his contribution to Styx via the keyboard. Other influences were Kansas, Rush, The Cars, and Ted Nugent. There have been other influences over the years, but in recent years, Yanni and Jean Michel Jarre have helped shape my appreciation for keyboarding and sequencing.
Casey Beck - guitar, flute, lead vocals
I have been playing/creating music for over nine years and I fall in love with it each and every day. I LOVE being apart of this band and being able to speak through the power that music gives us. I began the flute in middle school and joined my high school marching band. There I learned how to play many other instruments including, but not limited to, the French horn, Melophone, Flugelhorn, alto flute and more. I was in the flute choir for two years and even went to states for solo ensemble. I play guitar in my church worship band every Sunday morning and I’m so glad for the chance to be able to share my music with others.
Influences: I’m a huge soundtrack nerd so I really enjoy a lot of instrumental music. Keeping that in mind, I enjoy listening to Enya, Celtic Woman and Clandestine, but at the same time, I enjoy listening to groups such as Barlow Girl, Skillet, Point of Grace and many others, though, give me a song with a fiddle and some rockin’ drums and bagpipes and I go nuts!
Liz Perry - flute, lead vocals
Experience: I began working with music at a young age, doing elementary school choir things, and then being part of a special 5th grade choir. Upon sixth grade, I joined band and stayed with that until I graduated high school. Actually, 9th grade was when I began songwriting (lyricism, if you please)—it was when I wrote Still Dreaming as a rough version, long before Geniuses Rodney and Casey got their hands on it.
I have been on my church’s worship band for about…2 years, I believe. I also was part of high school choir for 2 years and a select vocal ensemble for 1½ .
My first guitar was given to me when I was about 4, and I didn’t actually even discover it until I was in about 10th grade or so. My most recent guitar (and second, to be honest) is called Matthias and helps me write many a song. Silly, really, but I used recorded songs and things with this Fischer-Price Tape recorder…and the rest is history (to be written).
Influences on my Musical Style: Those would have to be Michael Card, Blink 182 (lyrically, anyways), Vanessa Carlton, and many others that I cannot think of, at the moment. There are so many influences that I really have a hard time naming so few.