Favorite Memories:
If there's only a few for someone on this part, well, it means we have to make more!
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts~ Your face when I came back from TX
~ Dying your hair that pretty pink
~ Swimming with you when u were a baby
~"Look! You can make cheese SANDwiches!" **FALL**
~"I go-juss!" "I byoofull!"
~Whatcha doin in the BATHroom? Get OUT!
~Willy Wonka dancing in the bakery
~The Fat Matt
~Fat Matt dancing in the dollar store
~"Peanut butter and Jelleeth"
~Biff Thwackalackin' people in the Stop & Shop
~Shopping at Shoprite
~Late night food runs
~Parties at our old house
~Movie nights (Down FRONT!)
~Trivial Pursuit with Donchy Ponchy (Gosh! She always WINS!)
~"She's saucy on her fingers, so she can't come to the phone"
~How 'bou YOU meeees?
~Thinking about Brianna being scared by MO KITTEH and falling off her bunk
~"Nudder banky mama?"
~Our song.."The Rose"
~And the best one...the day you were born...I love you...
~ Your reaction when I came back from TX
~ The day u fell out of the Jeep in ur puffy coat
~"Can I have more chickee/saluhd, mama?"
~Your 1st birthday party.."MMMMM"
~Our kickass handshake
~Watching movies (ROCK n RULE) just us 2
~"Hey Alicia..come here I wanna give you a kiss..." and then she leaned over and you grabbed 2 handfuls of her hair
~"But my piggies is KILLIN me!"
~Your Nano hand shaky dance
~The time in our first house Brutus knocked you off your feet
~"I thought you were my sweetiePIIIIIIE..."
~"You're not in my CLUB"
~"Millions of peaches..."..kiss.kiss
~You talking trash about the bee at the Hometown Buffet & then you'd get scared and hide under the table when he came by and we would see just your little hand reach up and take food off your plate
~**Snap snap** "Oh John"
~You doing my hair and makeup
~Us dancing to "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton and me putting you to sleep to "Baby Mine" by Alison Krauss
~And the best one of all...the day you were born...I love you..
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~Sleep overs!
~The "beach" in ur back yard
~Cooking in my old kitchen
~3am WaWa trips for toilet paper and snacks
~Late night Mickey D's and/or Dunkin Donuts
~Movie nights--you and Derek thinking you were slick and making out
~Food Network!
~Taking you to get your nose pierced
~Playing "I Spy" in the car with Alicia and Dontrell waiting to get your nose pierced (Chinese Balls)
~The time you and Alicia swear I told you to take money and order pizza when I was sleeping
~The spider that popped up (ta-daaa!) on my counter
~"Hot foo' on tabuh"
~Bustin our guts with watermelon the other night
~August 31st (Get your asses in this car NOW!)
~"I got my veduvidal..."
~Alicia's piggy back ride on you when she was a bird and you guys were pestering for food (F-FOOD!)
~You doing a fluffy and falling off my couch
~I love you, my Breezy-anna...
Anybody who's real...not into bullshit, 'cuz I won't give you my time if you are...
hi random story.
so like... this one time.... i was in alaska,
and this mexican is all like:
"word you're eating my chimichanga."
and i was all like: "uhm. howbout not."
and he was all like. *snatch*
and i was all like *ouch*
and he was all like:
"ohh snap it's a pig in a blanket! not a chimichanga."
and i was all like:
"ohh snap! STFU cuz that's my weenis you butt sniff."
and he was all like... "oh."
and i was like: "yeah that's what i thought hoe."
and then i went to zimbabwe and ate a bologna sandwich and some crusty chinese guy was like:
"why you eat my ching chong changas?!"
and i was all like:
"bitch, yo mama eats ching chong changas."
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The end of the world
Name: Cristal
Birthday: Soooon
Birthplace: Florida
Eye Color: Green/Blue/Grey
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'8"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Righty!
Your Heritage: Italian Mutt
Your Weakness: Skinny Guys..sigh...
Your Fears: Spiders, fire
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get my court reporting certificate
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: LMAO
Thoughts First Waking Up: UUUGGGGHHH
Your Best Physical Feature: Eyes
Your Bedtime: Whenever I pass out
Your Most Missed Memory: Hanging with my kids..I don't get to do it enough..
Pepsi or Coke: Diet either
MacDonalds or Burger King: not anymore
Single or Group Dates: Single
Cappuccino or Coffee: Neither
Do you Swear: FUCK yeah!
Do you Sing: All the time...
Do you Shower Daily: Mostly...
Have you Been in Love: Yes...
Do you want to go to College: Your mom goes to college...
Do you want to get Married: Eh, if the right person comes along...
Do you belive in yourself: You bet I do
Do you get Motion Sickness: Sometimes...
Are you a Health Freak: Getting there, lmao
Do you play an Instrument: Nope
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes
In the past month have you Smoked: NOOOOOOOO
In the past month have you been on : drugs? Nope...a beach? nope...
In the past month have you gone on a Date:&..39;
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Uh, yeah
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Nope
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: Nope
In the past month have you been Dumped: Nope
Ever been Drunk: Yes
Ever been called a Tease: Probably, lmao
Ever been Beaten up: Nope
Ever Shoplifted: Yup
How do you want to Die: In a blaze of glory...
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Who's growing up???
What country would you most like to Visit: Italy
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Doesn't matter
Height: The taller the better, lol...jk..doesn't matter
Weight: Ditto
Best Clothing Style: To be wearing some...(until I tell you otherwise, haha)
Number of I have taken: little children? ZEEROO
Number of CDs I own: A lot
Number of things in my Past I Regret: None
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts
I like any and all types of music...
Some of my favorites are:
Shadows Fall
Every Time I Die
Iron Maiden
Marilyn Manson
Drowning Pool
Public Enemy
30 Seconds to Mars
Skid Row
Lynrd Skynrd
My Chemical Romance
Limp Bizkit
Joan Jett
Wendy O. Williams
The Donnas
The Ramones
The Clash
Sex Pistols
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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts
Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich
Napoleon Bonaparte
Love is composed of one soul inhabiting two bodies...
You mouth breather!
Well, if I'M here and YOU'RE here, doesn't that make it "our time?"
Alright...WHO FARTED??
Screw you guys...I'm goin HOME
**Cartman is the sheeeit!**
I got my finger in your mouth, kitty...but I don't feel no teeth!
Tina, you fat lard...come get some DINNER!!
Cowards die many times before their deaths...the valiant never taste of death but once
William Shakespeare
Her lips were red, her looks were free
Her locks were yellow as gold
Her skin was white as leprosy
The nightmare life in death was she
Who thicks man's blood with cold
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Excorcist, Gladiator, Glengarry Glenross, Girlfight, Saturday Night Fever, Jawbreaker, Wedding Crashers, Napoleon Dynamite, Cat People, Braveheart, Caligula, A Clockwork Orange, The Gift, Elizabeth, Legend, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, 9 1/2 Weeks, Angel Heart, The Ring, Million Dollar Baby, Rock and Rule, Heavy Metal, Titanic, Gilbert Grape, Gangs of New York, Friday, South Park Movie, Carrie, New Jack City, Night of the Living Dead, Creepshow, Salem's Lot, The Howling, Faces of Death, Sin City, House of Wax (original), Dracula, Underworld...and really, too many more to list here!
I really don't watch too much tv anymore..
Stephen King RAWKS!!
Calvin and Hobbes
My mom, for not needing a support group and an "intervention" to leave an abusive asshole and for working herself half to death to provide me with the best life she could...my kids, because without them I would be in a rubber room somewhere, writing with crayons...LOVE YOU GUYS!