Hi,I am a profesional video game designer, and have been for quite a while. I love what I do, it was basically my dream come true. I started out wanting to be a lawyer, but then I got a part time job that changed my life.
I lived in Tokyo for a year during college, and absolutely loved it.
Recently quit smoking, so I try to keep myself away from situations which give me that impulse. It's been about 4 months now, and I am feeling pretty good about that.
I like to make people laugh and don't really have too much shame.
I believe that life is all about boundaries, more specifically, life is about the boundaries we set for ourselves, and which ones we are willing to cross.
LA has been pretty much what I expected, I am starting to miss seasons.
Finally added a pic of myself at the Magic Castle, quality isn't great (stupid flash didn't work) but now you can compare to the Chiklis pic =)