And American football
What football postion fits you best?
You mean and relentless. When you want something you go after it with all your heart and passion.
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I'd like to meet Warren Sapp. My hero. And Jessica Alba. Also Ricky Gervias and Jimmy Carr.
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I used to like rock, but modern indie has taken over the world so I'm quite into hip hop now.
Any American football films. I have the entire collection. I love comedies and any old ancient battle films. Like Troy and Gladiator. And last but not least Star Wars gotta be the first film i really loved!!
Comedy, Simpsons and I'm addicted to Friends.
Anything by David Gemmel. Especially the rigante series. also Robin Hobb is amazing and other fantasy books which don't involve too much magic.
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Druss (David Gemmel fans only.) Warren Sapp, Ray Lewis and Zach Thomas