Hmmmm....some pretty fantastic awesome people would be nice!.....Id like to meet a decent that too much to as as well? oh....and i want to meet this chic named nicholie spicolie.....she is freaking Sweet(not the candy sweet..but cool sweet...well she is sweet....oh you know what i mean!!)
Let it play....its my therapy...haha cheaper then hiring a shrink right??
Little Mermaid, All quentin tarantino films, disney movie sucker, all horror films,Transformers!! THE NOTEBOOK, and othe cheesy chic flicks into those medical science shows...those things are graphic!!! My mom makes me cover my eyes....hahaha...mmmm..Nip i am a sucker for reality t.v....the rock of love hit a spot!.....and that is prett much it, i usually work late so i cant watch anything but reruns!! ok i am a total harry potter fan, i admit it! and i read the whole entire babysitters club tell you think i like to read?????
My Grandpa!!!lol...wasnt he adorable??