Felicia profile picture


I love you more than you know!

About Me

I love math, anything to do with numbers, especially statistics. I'm graduating in June and will be off to Ohio State to start my PhD in Biostatistics. I have been offered a Teaching Associateship which I am totally pumped about. If you don't know what biostatistics is(most of you won't), you should probably just google it. Basically it would be my way of working with numbers in the medical field without actually being a doctor. I'm not a morning person. I hate any noise in the morning. I will not have any carpet in my house when I get my own because I absolutely hate vacuum cleaners(it's the noise). I love old things, movies, music, and people. I watch the occasional silent movie. I prefer cats over dogs. I have to have the temperature between 75 and 80 degrees. Anything below that, I might die(not really, but it feels like the onset of hypothermia). I am interested in all cultures, especially the food. I tried real sushi for the first time and I actually liked some of it(not the caviar and eel though). I absolutely love Indian food and Green Tea ice cream. I want to travel the world someday, especially to places like Russia, Turkey, India, China, and Sweden. Anywhere that has good food. I love kitchen gadgets...blenders, pots, pans, knives, can openers, you name it. Right now I am addicted to pistacios, dried cranberries, anything pomegranate, and steamed green beans in a bag with lots of butter. I am in my second year of learning Russian which is awesome. I am a juggler, and I ride a unicycle. I've tried both at the same time, but I'm not quite there yet. I have recently taken up racquetball, but I'm not very good.
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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Humphrey Bogart, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis...those my grandparents consider old or could have grown up with...Tukey, Gauss...a bunch of other statisticians and mathematicians


everything...even the stuff with screaming due to the two weeks straight of being brainwashed while sleeping by Jason on our trip to Colorado!!!


The Fifth Element, Waterworld, Elf, Pirates of the Caribbean


Numbers, Law & Order, CSI, NCIS, Grey's Anatomy, Mystery Diagnosis, Scrubs, TCM, AMC


Eat Pray Love, Timeline, Jane Eyre