Matt Hughes Jnr profile picture

Matt Hughes Jnr

You can be my angel, and ill be your protection...

About Me

Buckinghamshire (Hazelmere)
North Africa (Sudan)
Cyprus (Larnaca)
West Sussex (Haslemere)
London, East London....basically....

i also want to bring unsexy back....

My Interests

fun times, big cakes, pretty girls, showing off my guns, trips away, time in Cornwall, avin a brew and a kit kat with Corrie on, making music, running down hill, sneezing, the odd tipple here and there, East London, charm school, girls with dimples at the base of their spines, rock and roll, milkshakes, the sea...........

I'd like to meet:

Music lovers and haters, stimulators and regurgitators, spineless idiots and heroic fools, addictive personalities and lazy bums, beautiful women and ugly souls, the easily distracted and the dedicated, good dancers and bad liars, those with a song in their hearts and others with everything to lose.....


Recently i have been enjoying UPDATE Oct 07
A - Attack in Black
B - Band of Horses
C - Cream
D- Doomriders
F - Future of the Left
G - The Good Life
H - High on Fire
I - I Hate Sally
J - Janes Addiction
K - Kim Carnes
L - Lupe Fiasco
M - Midlake
O - Opeth
P - Pantera
Q - Quincy Jones
R - Radiohead
S - Simian
T - Television/Thrice/Tellison
U - Ultra Magnetic MC's
V - Vangelis
W - Wilco
X - The Xcerts
Y - Yazzoooooooooooo
Z - ZEPPLIN still


well........Anchorman, Rushmore, Zoolander, Blazin Sadles, Alien/s, The Producers (original), Annie Hall/Manhattan/Hannah and her Sisters/Husbands and Wives/Radio Dayes etc, Harold and Maude, LOTR's, Adaptation, Breathless, Blade Runner, Raising Arizona, Batman Begins, Infernal Affairs, Chinatown, Batman Begins, 2001, Dog day Afternoon, Mad Max 2, Napoleon Dynamite, The Host, Dune, Life is Sweet, Kes, Life Aquatic, Akira, Old Scool, Animal House, Heat, Star Wars 4 onwards, Goodfellas, Labrynth, Die Hard..............


the drug of a nation....breeding ignorance and feeding radiation......


im bored of lists.....


is a damn good TV show.....

My Blog

a look back at 06.....

Ahhhh..... the blog.....a place to rant and moan, explain and break down in front of billions....or in fact, no one.... Its been a very strange year, full of change, movement, new faces coming in, old...
Posted by Matt Hughes Jnr on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 03:09:00 PST

Black Willow Records

So, i've made the starting a record label....please add away of you would be so kind....Back Willow Records needs YOU!!!! I'm on the look out for amazing bands for it, metal, folk, electr...
Posted by Matt Hughes Jnr on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 10:50:00 PST

Moving onto pastures new......

Well....i haven't ever really done one of these properly....about time i guess.... So, i, Matt Visible Noise am actually leaving Visible Noise next month....onto what only time will tell i guess....ex...
Posted by Matt Hughes Jnr on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 09:52:00 PST