I freakin luv to DANCE ,I ♥ MUSIC , AND CHEERLEADING !!!♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥mY fAv MuSiC iS rAp, EMO, AnD PuNk!!!
Dont forget i luv to DANCE!!! !!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
mY♥sHoWs♥R♥NEXT♥&♥Deg rassi!!!
things i fuckin h8 r ~liers ~bitches ~cheaters ~dipping ~tomatoes ~da color yellow ~sleeping on my stomach ~FAKES ~stoners ~da cold ~spiders ~deer ~prank callers ~messy rooms ~sumthang stinky ~number 2 pencils
ThInGs I aBsOlUtLeY wUv ♥ cellphones ♥my bed ♥da color red ♥my car ♥my style ♥my man ♥all my bitches and hoes ♥my lil bro ♥whisky ♥my mom ♥my computer ♥cheerleading ♥my body ♥kool-aid ♥my mp3 ♥make-up ♥Kissing ♥partys ♥pictures ♥presents ♥energy drinks ♥ Von Dutch ♥watches ♥fries w/ icecream ♥swimming ♥nighttime ♥ME!!!