I don't think I'll ever be satisfied with anything, true story. I can't make decisions for myself and I try to use good grammar, but it never works out. My cell is never turned off because I never want to be out of contact. I sleep with a teddy bear. My world is my friends. The few that I actually do have mean the entire world to me. I'm bubbly, weird, unnaturally blonde, and at times awkward. I know who I want to be, I'm just not sure how to become that person. In all honesty, I hate my name. I live in jeans, a t-shirt, and 99% of the time my Used jacket. I dye my hair every couple of months. Chinese food is my food of choice and I have an obsession with hoodies. The 90's were the good old days and I constantly refer to them. I quote movies and tv shows at least once in every conversation. Lets be friends, mmmk?
Champagne brings such happy faces.