Ellie profile picture


I came here to DANCE!

About Me

Ok so basically my profile has been a bit neglected of late, because well to be honest, i have a real life and that. But now as its the festive period and it's either watch Strictly Come Dancing with my parents or Myspace it up.
I am 21, I study English Literature and American Studies at Sussex University and so live in Brighton most of the time but I'm moving to South California next september for a year and I can't wait. I work in a little rock club called the Engine Room and it's the best job ever, its so relaxed and wicked fun and i get paid to watch gigs!
I get bored very easily, so I think it's a good indication of how well everything is going at the moment when I literally can't remember being bored last. I'm generally a happy and lively person, although I can be irritable; especially when faced with those who revel in ignorance, are negative or take themselves to seriously. I live with 6 amazing people 4 londoners, a german and my home girl Suki. They are quite honestly some of the most interesting and fun people i have ever met, I love our random amusing pseudo-intellectual discussions. I love my uni friends with our random treks around Brighton to as many house parties we can find in one night, our hunt for truely the best kebab house in Brighton and our living like the stereotypical students we are, especially doing anything involving Guy and Alex. I knew everyone said uni would be amazing but its better than i ever thought. I love my home friends too and i miss them when I'm in Brighton. They make not being in Brighton worth while, even if they do rinse me at poker almost every time. They make me laugh more than any other group of people. I love Pizza Hut Buffet and the cinema and they're the only reason I'd willing hit Banbury Town for a Thursday night. Although I'm pretty sure they don't realise I'm actually a girl.
I can't sing and I can't dance but I do it anyway, I love making people laugh if i can. I love cute things. I love stupid humour and wit. I'm over the top and dramatic, i rant about pointless things but i'm never really serious and i love to play fight. I've come to learn to ALWAYS trust my insticts, I've just to work on listening to them. I love to read. So much fascinates me. I'm both extremely girly and a complete tomboy. I'm small and not very scary, I'm pretty sweet to be honest and I have an innate desire to please everyone, my friends always come first. I'm not mature but I've learnt from experience for my age I've had plenty both good and bad. I've come to learn there is no point being friendly towards people that just bitch you out behind your back, but luckily I've left people like that a long way behind.
I love my family they're amazing, I'm so lucky. I love my friends and I love the fact I can never be bored because there is always something going on or someone doing something. I'm incredibly picky when it comes to guys and usually end up picking the wrong ones anyway, but if i'm honest I've come to like my freedom far too much these days, I wouldn't like to be responsible and committed to one person, I'd rather just have fun with my friends. I can be extremely sensitive. I work hard but i enjoy it. I love to party. I love to have a good time. I love the fact i've got so many people I can trust. I forgive almost anything, ask Joel. I care about people so much and I'm more than willing to go above and beyond the call of friendship for people. I am so grateful to every single person that was there for me and helped me turn a shit year into the best one i have ever had. I have tattoos and piercings but doesn't everyone these days? But I love them none the less.
So basically that's me. I cannot believe how lucky I am these days, you ever get that feeling where you know you wouldn't change a thing in your life? yeah thats about how i feel. I'm the happiest i have ever been. I love the way my life is going, I would hate to be stuck in a rut not moving forward in life doing the same things day to day, week to week. Well that's all I can think of right now to write about myself. But seriously, how can you fill in such as space as "About Me" the question is clearly one of objectivity of a self but as I myself am writing it then it is clearly subjective haha yeah I'm an English Student. If you know me you know what I'm like, you'll eiter think what I've written is a load of bollocks or you'll think I'm bang on.
I don't care if this is cheesy, it's what I think. Maybe I'm a cheesy person but I'd rather be like that than miserable and pessimistic. I lose paitience with unnecessary negativity very quickly these days. This is me, I don't try to be anything I'm not. I don't forcibly use slang to sound cool, if it enters my vocabulary then it's subconsciously. I love to read and learn, if people have a problem with that it's their own problem, i don't really care, I'm not going to change, I'm happy. I love to be silly. I'm a realist. I do care what people think, but so does EVERYONE. Those who deny it the most are always the ones who care the most. Without exception. I care, a lot. But I only care about the opinons of people who's opinions I value.
I mess around, I laugh, I can be a bit wild, I love to hear people's stories, I love new meeting people, I'm really friendly and get on with pretty much anyone. I distinguish my true friends by whether or not they know who Geoff is.

My Interests

Jack Daniel's


Lazy Days at 164 Queen's Park Road/6 Argyle Road



Drunken nights at 164 Queen's Park Road/6 Argyle Road

I'd like to meet:

Steve Gerrard

Noel Fielding

Stephen Fry

Oscar Wilde

The Original Power Rangers

Neil Buchanan from Art Attack



Bury Your Dead

Misery Signals

Between The Buried and Me

Black Dahlia Murder

Comeback Kid


Natural Born Killers,

Finding Nemo

Monsters Inc.

Little Nicky

The Emporers New Grove,

The Goonies,

Kill Bill,

Team America,

Brain Dead,

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory



The Might Boosh

Flight of the Conchords

Top Gear




Family Guy


The Great Gatsby

Madame Bovary

Harry Potter

The Grapes of Wrath

The Portrait of a Lady

The Dirt

The Importance of Being Earnest

The Turn of the Screw


Steve Gerrard

Henry James

James Joyce


Nikki Sixx

Franz Kafka

My Blog

Suicide Girls

Well most of you who know me will know that I got accepted to Suicide Girls last year but due to various problems i havent got round to completing a photoset that i'm happy with. Which has now meant s...
Posted by Ellie on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 02:35:00 PST