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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

-Basic's: I'm quiet and reserved with a tendancy to go a little silly when provoked with fun. Jump at any chance to meet ppl, live and learn.Day to day? I go a little nuts juggling a full time job and study. Dealing with people amoung an industry that is quickly becoming our most precious resource...water. Doesn't it just fall from the sky?? Ahh..nope not anymore, that is unless it floods!Then there is always the occasional bush fire that's close enough to home for me to invite the family down for a BBQ'd Cristmas in the back yard....thankfully this year it was cancelled due to rain.However, my backyard is the best place to be because at the end of a cazy day you can stop,..... and breathe.One of the best thing's I've ever done is travelled...From Tassie to North Queensland, Adelaide to Darwin. Perth I will see you in Feb! From Paris to Glasgow and almost everywhere in between, 'tis my home away from home and I love it all, along with all the wonderful people I have left behind there! I will be back. There's just something about living in London and being an aussie.. :o)Oh and of course..."I've been to Bali too...Boo Boop Be Boop!" :o)So here's to the future! Suid-Afrika expect a visit and yes, UK I will be back soon! I can't beleive I got teary at the airport!!?? :o) To be continued.......
Some people continue to shine regardless of the shadows cast across their life and in their path they leave a ray of warmth that comforts everyone left in their wake. Their loss is painful but the impact of their life is uplifting and everlasting.It's been 12 months Uncle Jim and it still feels like yesterday... ..Feel the wind as it breathes... Listen to the silence as it speaks... Look within your heart as you see... and you will learn to understand...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People that are happy to be themselves and happy for me to be me. I like to challenge people in all that they believe so that they discover more about themselves and perhaps others.....if your game enough send me a msg, if not....send me a msg anyway! :o)

My Blog

All things shinny and simple :oD

Why is it that when all is well...as well as it could be ...we don't really have a lot to say?!!It's been awhile so I figured I would drop a line into the abyss of the ethernet in which for some unkno...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Jun 2009 23:49:00 GMT

Christmas Dilema..

Siiiigh..were do i start? It's Christmas!..well..isn't it??  Whilst eveyone is running around making plans for the BIG DAY :oD you just can't help but get caught up in all the excitment..I mean seriou...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 02:51:00 GMT

3 things..I liked this one for some reason.

Go on.. humour me!!  At least this one doesn't ask about the last time you cried!!!???   I would love to know.....   Three.. thing..s you'..re happy.. with:1. Life,.. sums it all...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 17:22:00 GMT

Oh... It's nothing really...

Nothing stays the same forever. Indeed. That's true. Nothing ever changes. Nothing is nothing. Always has been, always will be! They tell us, in fact, that in the beginning there was nothing. They als...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 02:41:00 GMT

Honeymoon is over....

 How funny... I remove the "single" status on my facebook profile before going on leave an all of a sudden rumour has it from the UK to the entire Corporation I work for that I have eloped&n...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 09:48:00 GMT

Taking Cat back&

Yeah it's been awhile since I blogged. It's Winter, cold and I'm being reflective. We can only be what we give ourselves the power to be.~A Cherokee Feast of Days Have you ever suddenly stopped in l...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 06:29:00 GMT

Wombat misadventures....

Yes well...I can never say life is dull....  On a day where one questions what the point in doing all is about and retires to a listless snooze rather than pulling an all nighter to produce some...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 06:26:00 GMT

Bring it on! :o)

What better motivation than the F1 Grand Prix and Crusty Demons all in the one weekend along with 30+C heat and mates to help you drink it all away&. Kimi..siigh..better luck in Malaysia, will be wa...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 09:29:00 GMT

Re-visiting reality check.. blog:dec 4

How do you give energy to someone who has none? How do you show them there is much more to life than the drugs, alchohol and useless guys that have taken advantage?? grrrrr!!!??
Posted by on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 17:45:00 GMT

I have time...oh my gosh! does that mean I can have a life!!?? :o)

It's Friday morning and I have a four day weekend...for the next 4 weeks!! What am i going to do!!!??? yes well...there is always something to do and i cant beleive how many ppl from the past are jump...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 16:28:00 GMT