i'm roo,
i lead a very repetative life, but i wouldnt really change that.
music, art, gaming and skateboarding.
i wouldn't limit myself to a certain style, i like everything. if its comfy why shouldnt i wear it?
if it sounds good why shouldnt i listen to it.
i've learnt to appreciate every music in life, i was brought up listening to mod/ska and rick astley. i play in a hardcore and a deathcore band now, and i'm constantly listening to funk and hip hop.
if you call me narrow minded when it comes to music you really are an idiot, i listen to everything, i might not enjoy it, but i do respect and take things from it and apply it to my music.
rant over, right now im listening alot to..
Dj Format
Deez Nuts
Set Your Goals
Four Year Strong
say something...
My Blog
GTFO M4H L1FE!! Posted by on Thu, 08 May 2008 14:10:00 GMT