pleased to make your aquaintence
i am belinda. i am nineteen. i live on the sunshine coast. i am happy most of the time. i spend lots of time out doing fun and silly things with super-dooper people and this makes me smile. my life is made up of this and my wonderful world of being a barista. this also brings me joy, a perverse passion for coffee and the awful love-hate world i live in known as hospitality, words, punctuation, and debates about music. i am a born-again transformian. also, sarcasm rocks my socks. but this is not meant to be sarcastic. it's just the work in progress of the re-development of a myspace page made by a girl who is tired and is yet to think of something super to fill her page with. maybe it'll be like a diary? maybe it will have those annoying falling heart things? maybe i'll quote hey there delilah and you'll decide you love me from a thousand miles away and want to be my super myspace buddy and put me in your top ten. i hope not, but that would be okay if it happened. or maybe you simply clicked here by accident. either way, thanks for stopping by. would you like a tea? want to dance? i'm going to go dance. meet me on the d-floor.