I'm the type of person who probably isn't too easy to get to know at first. I tend to unintentionally make myself unapproachable. Part-time shy/ part time truly disinterested. Behind that though, I'm a really warm person and would do absolutely anything for my friends.********
I don't consider myself to really fit into any one scene. My MySpace is not the sum of who I am. I appreciate many things and you can tell by my friends that I apreciate all kinds of people too. I've come to realize I don't really fit into the 'gay' scene at all though. My taste in music, my style, and my values aren't really what most gays think is cool.********
I'm not as wierd as I probably seem. I'm totally an animal person, dry humor, and talking to old people, but children creep me out a little. Just message me before requesting to be my friend. Even a short one- I don't really 'collect' random friends and I don't use MySpace to 'hookup'.
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / United as one
Some pics of makeup I've done recently...
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Your Candy Heart Says "Get Real"
You're a bit of a cynic when it comes to love.
You don't lose your head, and hardly anyone penetrates your heart.
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: is all about the person you're seeing (with no mentions of v-day!)
Your flirting style: honest and even slightly sarcastic
What turns you off: romantic expectations and "greeting card" holidays
Why you're hot: you don't just play hard to get - you are hard to get
What Does Your Candy Heart Say?
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