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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I was born and rasied in Toronto, Ontario. I spent the first years of my life in the Beaches area then at age 4 my parents and I reloctaed to Guildwood in Scarborough, the east end of the city.After my OAC year I went to the University of Windsor originally to become an actor, but by October of that year I had changed my mind, and decided that I could get a general Drama degree anywhere. So I moved back to the T dot and went to U of T Scarborough where I got a Specialist in English and a Major in Drama.During this time I worked 2 seasonal jobs. Spending 7 Summers working a varity of jobs at the Toronto Transit Commision. And 4 winters working at the Scarboro Golf and Country Club as the Assistant Ice maker.After completing a one year contract teaching English in Korea I worked 8 months at a frieght forwarding company took my LSAT and decieded against Law school. I then worked through a managment training pogram and opened my own Martketing firm in Halifax, Nova Scotia.Being a busy buisness owner made me into a person I didn't really like anymore, so I moved back to Mississauga to focus on rebuilding relationships the with my family and friends that I had slacked off on while in the East Coast.That has got to be the best Coles notes version of my life I can think of. For details just ask...

My Blog

I want to be a traveling Gnome

Every once in awhile I get that feeling; that nothing in my life is going my way. Im not so much moving backwards as Im just not moving forwards; I feel stagnate.Then all I want to do is create move...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Sep 2009 20:52:00 GMT

Trust and Lies: A Rant. Rambling at Best.

Ive always been a trusting person, perhaps to a fault as I always seem to get hurt.I often self analyze, trying to figure out why I want to trust so often, but end up jealous and question the things ...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Sep 2009 18:50:00 GMT

Currently Working

Hey there,New posts to be updated as soon as I write them.Lies and why I hate being lied to.Running away. Why I did, why I want to again and how great it always seems.Trying, why giving up always seem...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Sep 2009 20:38:00 GMT

Life reexamined

I havent written in so long, now I just need to vent  little.Its been now been 4 months since I walked away from my business and a way of life I lived for more than 18 months.  My first instinct was...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 18:56:00 GMT

Why I Fail

Doubt After ten yearswhy so long?Did you question my existencelike I do now?Did you doubt it was meant to be? Just an accident, you learned to live with? Learned to love and care for? A pleasant surpr...
Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 10:47:00 GMT


Borrow againthat feeling of lonelinessthat can only be found at the bottom of the glassyou drink to numb that paina realization of past mistakesand broken heartsWith friends its easy to feel alonethe...
Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 10:15:00 GMT

New and Untitled

I wantwhat you hadthat awe inspiring lasting love How two people couldmean so muchthat till death do us partLove, that holds weight Im done with contract loveso much ends, something must lastmore t...
Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 09:50:00 GMT

I can see it comng

Stance widenedWith a lower centre of gravityI prepare for the blowIn slow motion I can see it comingMonths in the makingAnd I prepare too lateDipped shoulderLean in to itLike knowing will make it hurt...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 07:10:00 GMT


Im an idealista hopeless romanticwhen all good sense tells me I cant be with you that I cantmake you happynot as much as you deserve not to the point where you couldnt be Happiermy heart beats fas...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 06:44:00 GMT

Worth It

Worth It I have never felt like such a failure as I do now.And I have failed and lost so much alreadyat numerous attempts of self betterment,various different ways of gaining financial securityeven at...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 07:48:00 GMT