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Michele Veronese inizia lo studio dell’arpa celtica sotto la guida di Ella de Mircovich. Dopo gli studi al Conservatorio e all’Accademia di Musica Antica (diploma in Contrabbasso e Viola da gamba con il massimo dei voti) si laurea all’Accademia di Studi Celtici nel 1997 con una tesi sull’arpa gallese. In seguito si perfeziona con l’arpista finlandese Maido Arvola, detto “l’arpista della neveâ€, e cresce musicalmente con Pead Atti, il violinista americano Mike Hanckock ed il cantante bretone Mark LeSalle. Suona stabilmente con il cembalista Manuel Tomadin. Dal 1987 suona un’arpa celtica (KLAR) costruita nel 1977 dall’arpettaio gallese Michael Saunders, dal 2006 un’arpa irlandese (FIONA) e un’arpa piccola celtica (ROVER), costruite dall’arpettaio Claudio Walter.Il gruppo GWEN nasce a Trieste (città che mantiene ancora oggi un forte legame con James Joyce) nel 1987, unendo varie esperienze individuali di musica classica, barocca, rinascimentale, celtic e folk. Sette CD al loro attivo: TS-Dublin (1990), Mostra sui Celti di Venezia (1991-Rivoalto), The Berlin’s Dolmen (1994-Sonar), TS-Sarajevo (1997-Infinity Records), The Second Live (1999-7th Sky), Mountain in a suitcase (2002-Artemedia), Elfin Snég (2006-Toondrama). I GWEN hanno fatto centinaia di concerti in tutta Europa, ricevendo importanti riconoscimenti all’Eurokinesse Alsazia (F), Festivall de Belfort (F), Guthrie Contest (UK), Bled Etno Festival (Slo). Memorabile la discussione con i mitici Dubliners (Ljubljana-1990), i quali sostenevano che Joyce è morto a Trieste mentre i nostri insistevano per Zurigo.... avevano ragione i Gwen.
I Gwen non hanno MAI suonato al Folkest.
Michele Veronese begins his Celtic Harp studies under Ella de Mircovich’s direction. After the fullmark degrees at both the “Conservatorioâ€and the Ancient Music Academy (Double Bass and Viola da gamba), he obtains a degree at the prestigious Academy of Celtic Studies in 1997, with a study on the Welsh Harp. He carries on his studies with the Finnish harper Maido Arvola, also known as “the snow harperâ€, and he musically grows with Pead Atti, the American fiddler Mike Hanckock and the Brittony singer Mark LeSalle. He plays regularly with the harpsichord player Manuel Tomadin. Since 1987 he has played a Celtic Harp (KLAR) made by the Welsh harp-maker Michael Saunders, since 2006 an Irish harp (FIONA) and a small Celtic harp called (ROVER), both made by the harp-maker Claudio Walter.
The group GWEN was formed in Trieste (a town still characterised by strong links with James Joyce) in 1987, gathering a variety of individual experiences, spanning from Classical to Baroque to Renaissance to Celtic and Folk music. They have made seven CDs: TS-Dublin (1990), Mostra sui Celti di Venezia (1991-Rivoalto), The Berlin’s Dolmen (1994-Sonar), TS-Sarajevo (1997-Infinity Records), The Second Live (1999-7th Sky), Mountain in a suitcase (2002-Artemedia), Elfin Snég (2006-Toondrama). The GWEN have given hundreds of concerts throughout Europe, obtaining important acknowledgments at the Eurokinesse Alsazia (F), Festivall de Belfort (F), Guthrie Contest (UK), Bled Etno Festival (Slo). They had a memorable discussion with the Dubliners in Ljubljana in 1990: the latter reckoned that Joyce died in Trieste, the Gwen insisted it was Zurich.... Michi&friends were right.
The Gwen have NEVER played at Folkest.
Ts-Dublin (1990)
soundtrack "I CELTI" (1991)
Berlin's dolmen (1994)
Ts-Sarajevo (1997)
the second live (1999)
mountain in a suitcase (2002)
elfin snég (2006)