| View | Add FavoriteI love to be outside... when it's not one million degrees outside... I love to hang out and watch movies, I'm a chill kind of girl. I LOVE to play poker, but SOMEONE says that they don't want to play anymore!! NOT COOL!! I love to just be around the people I love.
Ok, so you have got to be the best big sister anyone could ever have!! No matter WHAT is going on, you are always right there to pick me up and if I need it, chew me out!! I can tell you ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING and not have to worry about you judging me! You always make me feel like you're in it all with me. I never feel alone... You are such a wonderful mother, it's unbelievable! I know you're a fantastic wife... You are such a great role model to look up to. I love you so much and I just want to say thank you for always being there for me and for being my best friend!!Girl, you have been like another sister to me for the last 16 years... yea we had those few years where I rebeled and you didn't, so we just won't count like maybe two years or so... :) But I honestly DO NOT believe that I have or will ever have a friend like you. You are the best friend anyone could ask for... You're... what is the word I'm looking for... "UNPREDICTABLE!!" Ha Ha!! I love you girl... almost as much as I love a Cinnamon Dolce Frapuccino! :) I hope that we only get closer the older we get. You are and always will be my best friend (other than my sister of course!!) :) *MUAH*
I listen to it all, country, pop, rap, old school, anything. If it's not hard core metal or gangster rap, I listen to it.
Back to the Future II, Princess Bride, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Stepmom, anything with Sandra Bullock.... I love to watch movies!!
Fall starts, you hardly see our faces around here... we watch a lot of TV, too much TV. Prison Break, The OC, Desperate Housewives, House, Lost, 7th Heaven, and quite a few more... way too many... it's embarrassing! lol
I don't want to read another book ever again, other than kid's books. I read my Insurance Book for about 4 weeks straight. I now hate to read! :)
I have many heroes, My sister for one, she is such a wonderful woman and a beautiful mother... she's the best big sister anyone could ask for. My Aunt Alison would be another one, she goes through a lot of stress in her life but still keeps her head up and stays smiling. I LOVE HER!!!! There are more... can't think of them right now!! LOL