The Southern Cruisers (SCRC) was started in Memphis, Tennessee by a few riders who wanted a biker family rather than a biker club. With no dues and no commitment, anyone with a bike could join their club and enjoy hanging out and riding with others who loved the hobby of motorcycling.
The idea quickly caught on in Memphis, then in Tennessee, then in the southern US, and then in the WHOLE COUNTRY. With-in four years an idea of a few turned in to an organization of thousands. Currently the Southern Cruisers Riding Club has over 300 chapters (including more than 20 international) and more than 31,000 members. Southern Cruisers chapters popped up in New Jersey sometime in the late nineties, and originally began with a North, Central, and South Jersey Chapter. When these chapters began growing, they found themselves with members spread out all over a third of the state, and county chapters began springing off of the main chapters to accommodate riders in smaller, more condensed areas. Currently, there are more then 400 members in seven chapters in New Jersey.The Burlington County Chapter was started in early 2002 to benefit riders in New Jersey’s largest county. The chapter was founded on the ideals of practicing and promoting safe riding, brotherhood and family. We love to get together and JUST RIDE. We engage in dinner meetings and local rides, long distance trips, charity events, and the common “pick-up ride†that we’re never sure where we’ll end up.Membership in the chapter is free, there are no dues, and there is no commitment. We’re that certain that if you come ride with us once or twice, you’ll be hooked!For more information on the Southern Cruisers, check out the National website at, or shoot the 1st Officer an E-mail at
[email protected] for upcoming events or rides. Even better, stop by our next meeting and check us out, we love meeting new riders.