My Wife, My Z, Tattoo's, Flying, Surfing, Playing drums, Nissan 300zx and 350Z, Mixed Martial Arts/Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Anyone who is not lazy and does not have an attitude. Also, Morehi Uyeshiba(in spirit), Helio Gracie and the Gracie family, Maynard James Keenan, Mike Ness, Danny Carey, Martin Scorsese, Stanley Kubrick, Quintin Tarintino...way to many to list....
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Anything involving Staney Kubrick, Oliver Stone, Martin Scorsese, Tarintino, Brian de Palma, Francis Ford Coppola, Guy Richie, any good comedy, old school 80's early 90's John Hughes films, can't forget the Goonies, Stand by Me, American History X, Basketball Diaries, Drug Store Cowboys, Another Day in Paradise, KIDS, Bully, Pool Hall Junkies, The Thin Red Line, Boondock Saints. Anything with a history theme like Braveheart, The Patriot and especially the Last of the Mohicans... all kinds of crap...
Don't watch much during the week but for the weekends it's the Discovery Channel, History Channel, the UFC on Spike TV, MAD TV and my wife loves to watch COPS and America's most wanted... I just started watching my name is Earl because Jason Lee is in it...
not any since Iraq...
I don't really idolize anyone but I have respect for alot of people. Pretty much anyone who goes above and beyond to achieve something positive in any aspect of life. people who have high expectations for themselves and stirve to reach their goals whatever they may be... People with drive and a positive outlook.