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April 16 Ruling Planet:Mars Element:Fire Body Part:Head Color:Red Energies:The Leader Leadership, beginnings, action, energy
The Witches pyramid, also called “The Four laws of the Magus,†is very ancient. They work great value to Witches and I suggest making special note of them. The Four Laws are matched to the Elements and give good advice for any Witch.To Know (Wind!) To know means to study and learn everything you can about magick and the way it can be used. As a Witch, you must know what you are doing when it comes to magick. I know it sounds logical, but you will be amazed at the number of beginners who take their studies in this area for granted. Practicing magick is not something to be taken lightly. It is a big responsibility for all Witches. Many times spells backfire because the Witch did not do his or her homework. These lessons will guide you in the right direction of a beginner/First Degree-Priest/Priestess, but you still must also read as many books as you can get your hands on, do research at a library or internet, ask other Witches opinions and continue to do this for the rest of your life!To Dare (Water) As a Witch you must dare to practice what you have learned. You must be willing to stand up and use all that knowledge you have gained to perform rites and spells. If you are waiting to gain all the knowledge to practice magick, then you will die old without having practiced magick. By the time you have finished these lessons, you know all you need to know to start magick. To Will (Fire) Once you have decided to practice magick, you must be strong enough to will the manifestation (to make the spell come true). The fear of failure or of a spell backfiring is always there, creeping into the apprentice’s mind, not being strong enough to carry on a spell. "What if nothing happens?" If you have read Wicca 101 books, they allow readers to practice simple magick. Build your confidence by doing simple magickal works first. Try candle magick and gem magick. These are the easiest to perform and excellent for beginners. Start performing magick for yourself. As you gain more confidence in your own magickal abilities, you can move on to perform more complex spells adding your own flair to them, as well as performing magickal works for others. However, remember, Witches are humans too. Therefore, we are bound to commit mistakes sometimes, even though we do our best to avoid them. This is normal; so do not torture yourself if one of your spells goes wary. A wise Witch will record it all in his/her Book Of Shadows. Then he/she will sit down to read it carefully looking for any flaws in it. The same thing applies for rites. Who says rites have to be big and flamboyant? Do you really think the Goddess will look down upon you if your rite is small and simple? Not the Goddess I know! I do not always have the time or find myself in the right place to perform a full ritual, so I keep them simple.To Keep Silent (Earth) Witches must keep quiet about the work they are doing or what they are doing it for. Every time Witches talk about their magickal work, part of the energy is given away. Also, the Witch may be telling someone who, for whatever reason, does not want the Witch to succeed. That person, knowing what is being done, can counteract the results. This is not a usual occurrence, but it can and does happen. In silence there is knowledge. You're the master of your thoughts, but a slave of what you say. Darksome night and shining moon, Hearken to the Witches' rune.East, then south, west then north, Here come I to call thee forth.Earth and water, air and fire, Work ye unto my desire.Wand and Pentacle and Sword Hearken ye unto my word.Cords and Censer, Scourge and Knife, Waken all ye into life.Power of the Witches Blade, Come ye as the charm is made.Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell, Lend your aid unto the spell.Horned Hunter of the Night, Work my will by magic rite.By all the power of land and sea, As I do will, so mote it be.By all the might of moon and sun, Chant the spell and be it done. Hear Now the words of the witches, The secrets we hid in the night.When dark was our destiny's pathway, That now we bring forth into light.Mysterious water and fire, The earth and the wide-ranging air.By hidden quintessence we know them, And will keep silent and dare.The birth and rebirth of all nature, The passing of winter and spring.We share with the life universal Rejoice in the magickal ring.Four times in the year the Great Sabbat Returns, and the witches are seen.At Lammas and Candlemas dancing, On May Eve and old Halloween.When day-time and night-time are equal, When sun is at greatest and least.The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned, And Witches gather in feast.Thirteen silver moons in a year are, Thirteen is the coven's array.Thirteen times at Esbats make merry, For each golden year and day.The power that was passed down the age, Each time between woman and man.Each century unto the other, Ere time and the ages began.When drawn is the magickal circle, By sword or athame of power.Its compass between two worlds lies, In land of the shades for the hour.This world has no right then to know it, And world of beyond will tell naught.The oldest of Gods are invoked there, The Greatest of magick is wrought.For the two are mystical pillars, That stand at the gates of the shrine.And two are the powers of nature, The forms and the force divine.The dark and the night in succession, The opposites each unto each.Shown forth as a God and a Goddess, Of this our ancestors teach.By night he's the wild wind's rider, The Horned One, the King of the Woodland.The dweller in green forest glades, She is youthful or old as she pleases.She sails the torn clouds in her barque, The bright silver lady of midnight.The crone who weaves spells in the dark, The master and mistress of magick.That dwell in the deeps of the mind, Immortal and ever-renewing.with power to free or to bind. And Do What You Will be the challenge.So be it love that harms none, For this is the only commandment. By Magick of old, be it done!Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust. Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out. To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme.Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much. Honor the Old Ones in deed and name, let love and light be our guides again.Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune. Widdershins go when the moon doth wane, and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two. When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek.Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth. When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest.Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow. Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows.Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God's insight. Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower.Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland. Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning. White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility.Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine. Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be. Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark.As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain. When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows.When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn. As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite.Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all. When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules.In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way. When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight.Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall. Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be.Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know. When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed.With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend. Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart.Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow.Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you.These Eight words the Rede fulfill:"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
Before Time WasBefore time was, there was The One; The One was all, and all was The One. And the vast expanse known as the universe was The One, all-wise, all-prevading, all-powerful, eternally changing. And space moved. The One molded energy into twin forms, equal but opposite, fashioning the Goddess and God from The One and of The One. The Goddess and God stretched and gave thanks to The One, but darkness surrounded them. They were alone, solitary save for The One. So They formed energy into gasses into suns and planets and moons; They sprinkled the universe with whirling globes and so all was given shape by the hands of the Goddess and God. Light arose and the sky was illuminated bya billion suns. And the Goddess and God, satisfied by their works, rejoiced and loved, and were one. From their union sprang the seeds of all life, and of the human race, so that we might achieve incarnation upon the Earth. The Goddess chose the Moon as Her symbol, and the God the Sun as His symbol, to remind the inhabitants of Earth of their fashioners. All are born, live, die and are reborn beneath the Sun and Moon; all things come to pass thereunder, and all occurs with the blessings of The One, as has been the way of existence before time was.Where Wicca Started from Wicca is believed to start from an ancient religion called Shamanism. The Shamans were medicine people, the power wielders, male and female. They wrought magick and spoke to the spirits of Nature. From these primitive beginnings arose all magick and religion including Wicca. Though refined and changed for our world, Wicca still touches our souls and causes ecstasy--awareness shifts--uniting us with Deity. Many of the teachings of Wicca are Shamanic in origin. As told from Eileen Hollands book "The Wicca Handbook" pg 5 Modern Wicca began in England in 1939, when Gerald Gardner was initiated into a traditional British coven by Dorothy Clutterbuck (Old Dorothy). He later broke the coven's seal of secrecy and published books about the beliefs and practices of British Wiccans, because he feared the religion would die out. This began what continues to be a groundswell of people converting to Wicca. Debate currently rages over whether Wicca is a new religion or the oldest of all religions. Some say that Wicca has been practiced continuously in Europe at least sinnce the Ice Age. they cite paleolithic carvings of female figures, such as the Venus of Willendorf, as evidnce of Goddess worship having been the origin of all religions. No, say others, Wicca is a neo-pagan faith, a 20th century construct. What Wicca Is and Is Not Wicca is a Neo-Pagan religion with many traditions that date to pre-Christian (and prehistoric) Earth religions. It is based on a deep respect for nature and the certain knowledge that we do not have the right to exploit it for our own gain. Wiccans are deeply concerned with conservation and ecology, and as in all Neo-Pagan religions, Wiccans believe that both animate and inanimate objects possess a spirit which forms part of the Whole. Note that we do not use the term "spirit" in the Judeo-Christian sense of a "ghost," but rather that essence which every object possesses that links it to nature and makes it an inalienable part of the universe. Wicca is a Neo-Pagan religion with many traditions that date to pre-Christian (and prehistoric) Earth religions. It is based on a deep respect for nature and the certain knowledge that we do not have the right to exploit it for our own gain. Wiccans are deeply concerned with conservation and ecology, and as in all Neo-Pagan religions, Wiccans believe that both animate and inanimate objects possess a spirit which forms part of the Whole. Note that we do not use the term "spirit" in the Judeo-Christian sense of a "ghost," but rather that essence which every object possesses that links it to nature and makes it an inalienable part of the universe. Wicca is a celebration of the life-forces of nature as personified by the Goddess and her consort, the God. Wicca may includes the practice of magic which is defined as the process of causing change through the focusing of our natural powers. It is important to note that magic is natural. There is nothing supernatural about it. We use certain tools such as spells, visualization, chants, candles, amulets and meditation to help us focus our power, but the power comes from within -- it is not in the tools. Our ancestors knew how to use it effectively, but it is a largely forgotten art in modern times. Wicca is not a cult. A cult presupposes blind faith in a central figure whose every word is regarded as ultimate truth, and the utter conviction that no other way or philosophy will lead to this truth. You would be very hard pressed to find a Wiccan anywhere who would blindly follow anyone else. Wiccans are historically very independent people who seek truth from within through rituals, meditation, magic, study and communion with nature. Wiccans respect the right of everyone to worship in their own way. We do not feel that Wicca is the only way -- only that it is our way. Wicca is not synonymous with Satan worship. The very concept of a supreme evil spirit is alien to Wicca. In fact, most Wiccans do not even believe in Satan. The devil is a Judeo-Christian construct and as such, it has nothing to do with Wicca. The notion that witches worship Satan was propounded by the Roman Catholic Church as it made its way across Europe, in an effort to suppress the native earth-based religions prevalent at the time. They succeeded to the extent that they drove the practitioners of these religions underground where much of their knowledge and traditions were lost. Through the work of the Golden Dawn, as well as anthropological and archeological research, many of these traditions have been rediscovered and incorporated into Neo-Paganism, an umbrella term for most modern earth-based and shamanistic religions. Wicca does not include flying on brooms. Mostly, witches drive cars or ride bikes, although I have often wished for a flying broom when I'm caught in rush-hour traffic. My own little 15-year-old witch gets around on skates quite well, and although she sometimes seems to fly, she seldom gets more than an inch or two off the ground. There are many rituals which include brooms, however, and these may be the source of the flying-broomstick stories. In parts of Europe, some people run across their fields astride a broom to coax the grain to grow. They may also jump over a broom handle asking the grain to grow as high as their highest leap. It is also common for a ceremonial broom to be used to sweep away negative forces from any area one wishes to cleanse. Wicca is a celebration of the life-forces of nature as personified by the Goddess and her consort, the God. Wicca may includes the practice of magic which is defined as the process of causing change through the focusing of our natural powers. It is important to note that magic is natural. There is nothing supernatural about it. We use certain tools such as spells, visualization, chants, candles, amulets and meditation to help us focus our power, but the power comes from within -- it is not in the tools. Our ancestors knew how to use it effectively, but it is a largely forgotten art in modern times. Basic Facts Wicca is an earth-based religion that is centered around the respect of all things living. Goddess is Great Mother Goddess. That is her name to me; usually I just call her Goddess. To others she might be Aphrodite or Kuan-Yin. She is in everything, in every person or plant or rock. You can speak to her and pray to her. She takes many forms. She is the moon, and is often thought of as the Triple Goddess as manifested in the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. Her symbol is a full moon flanked by crescent moons. According to Wicca, there is both a Goddess and a God. (However, I only believe in a Goddess.) The God is the Sun. He is the hunter and Green Man; the father. Goddess and God Traditionally, the Goddess and God are lovers. They are equals. Almost anything can be categorized as either in the Kingdom of the Sun or the Kingdom of the Moon. They are in everything, according to tradition.DevilWiccans in no way worship the devil. In fact, Wicca as a religion does not even believe in a devil. Although pictures of God or Goddess may have horns, this was normal in ancient times and was not a sign of evil. It was common practice for conquering religions (in this case Christianity) to demonize the gods they replaced. Pentacle/Pentagram The point-up pentacle () is not the sign of the devil. The five-pointed star is called a pentagram, when inside a circle it is called a pentacle. The circular board that has symbols (such as pentagrams and triangles) carved into it is also called a pentacle. It is used by Wiccans as one of their magical tools. Hope that clears up all the confusion! Laws/Rules There are not many rules in Wicca, but one that most Wiccans follow is the Wiccan Rede (also known as the Wiccan Law, Wiccan Rule, etc.): An it harm none do what thou wilt -- meaning, do what you want, but don't harm anyone. Another law some Wiccans folow is the Threefold Law or Law of Three. It is that what you do, good or bad, will come back to you three times as strong. Others believe in Karma, which is similar to the Threefold Law, except that what you give comes back equally as strong. Personally, I think this makes sense; what you give is what you get. However, each person must decide for her or himself. Threefold Law, Karma, neither, or something different altogether? Other Religions Wicca is not a coercive religion. Meaning, we do not try to convert or brainwash people. We respect other constructive religions and paths, the only problem we have is when a religion wishes harm upon us. Magic vs. Magick Many Wiccans and other Pagans spell magic with a k (magick). This is to differentiate it from stage magic. I choose to spell it "magic" simply because I prefer the spelling. Whatever you choose is fine -- some even spell it "magyk." Warlock? Wicca can be practiced by both men and women. Male witches or Wiccans are not called warlocks; The word warlock means "twister of truth" and is an insult to male witches. Witchcraft vs. Wicca Witchcraft and Wicca are sometimes used to mean the same thing. Usually, though, Wicca refers to the religious aspects, and Witchcraft refers to the practice of magick, etc. "The Broom Closet" When a Pagan, especially a Wiccan, speaks of "coming out of the broom closet," they are talking about revealing their religion. Spirit Names Often when Wiccans (and other Pagans) dedicate themselves to their path, they will choose a spirit name. Wicca With Other Religions Many people want to become Wiccan, but also want to be another religion. People have told them this is "against the rules." Please know that it is not. It is very possible to be Wiccan and another religion. HOWEVER, there are guidelines. You must, most importantly, follow the Wiccan Rede. Also, earth-loving is a necessity. If the religion you choose is Christianity, for example, it will be impossible to follow everything from Christianity. (There are passages that state, "You shall not suffer a witch to live.") But you can take what you want from each religion; don't let anyone tell you that you can't. Solitary Wicca vs. Coven Wicca When a Witch practices alone, she or he is called a "Solitary Witch." When she or he practices with a group (known as a coven), she or he is called a "Coven Witch." Some people say things like "It takes a Witch to make a Witch," but this is not true. The majority of modern-day Wiccans, in fact, are probably Solitaries. They either cannot find a coven near them, the coven does not fit their needs, they simply prefer to work alone, etc. DietMany Wiccans choose to become vegetarian or vegan out of love for Earth and respect for all life. However, rest assured this is NOT a requirement for being Wiccan. Stereotypes Witches are not green-skinned, warty old crones. We are also not black-clad, pierced, and tattooed (though individual Witches might be). Anyone who threatens to turn you into a toad is probably not Wiccan. Spells: Black, Grey, and White Magic - Most Wiccans do cast spells. However, they are not at all like the ones depicted by the media. They are not instant, and there is a certain format that they follow. Also, interfering with someone's will counts as harming them, so spells that make another person fall in love with you, etc. are out. Almost all Wiccans try to practice what is commonly called "white magic." There are exceptions to the Wiccan Rede as it pertains to magic, as there are to any rule, but only in extreme cases. Even doing magic to benefit others without their permission is only "grey magic." Who Are We? Wiccans are not "born Witches." Although some of us have "inherited" the religion from our parents, we were not born with supernatural powers that others do not have. (Everyone has access to these natural, not supernatural, powers. Witches simply choose to use them. Being Wiccan is a conscious decision. Becoming WiccanSeveral people have asked how to convert to Wicca. I have a dedication ceremony in my BOS, but I want to make the distinction between dedication and conversion. Most Wiccans don't convert, because we don't expect you to leave behind past beliefs. As long as you live by Wicca, you are Wiccan. Initiations won't make you truly Wiccan. The Media I've been avoiding discussing witches as portrayed in the media, but it had to be addressed eventually. I cannot stress enough, do NOT believe what you see on TV and in movies about witches. While some things are true, most is completely false. The Craft, Charmed, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer are not accurate representations of Wicca. Pagan Lingo Pagans have sayings that we use with eachother. One such saying is "Merry meet and merry part until we merry meet again!" (or "Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again", etc.) Because of this we often greet eachother by saying "merry meet" and part by saying "merry part". We also say -- usually upon parting -- "blessed be" or "brightest blessings." (In Pagan chatrooms, these are often abbreviated to MM, MP, and BB.)AcceptanceThe Wiccan/Pagan community is open to everybody. Race, gender, past religion, sexual orientation, age, etc. are unimportant. Sexuality Wicca considers sexuality a sacred and powerful thing. We don't have rules against homosexuality, sex before marriage, etc. We believe those are personal choices, and must be wisely considered and decided. HOWEVER: that does not mean that we encourage "promiscuous" behavior. Sacred things must be treated with utmost care, and each individual needs to decide their own guidelines, including appropriate age. Also, a word about nude rituals: you may hear of Witches performing rituals "skyclad" -- naked. This is NOT forced, of course. Some solitaries and covens choose to perform ritual free of limitations. This is only covens of over-18 members. l
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