MuSik Is tHe VerSe of tHe sOul, aNd melOdy ThE QuiVer of A swEet bReEze oN a heArtStrIng...
ChicK FlicK's of 'thE notE boOk' thenotebook. meAn giRls. †Blow† and of course all collin farrel movies. good or not.. just because he in them.. LovE DraMa mOvieS.. ♥vanilla sky♥ saw 1,2&3.. love scary movie's I aLso Luv tHosE movIes thAt hAvE u gUessing Till the End..
My FavorIte Show is.. DespeRate hOuse wiFes.. Oprah.. Americas next tOp MoDel.. "sEx iN thE cItY" Gray's aNatomy...
I do enJoy rEading.. "The VoicE knOwledgE".. ♥ The mastery of LOVE ♥ ♥ The four Agreements ♥ * A child called it *
Well i think in order for me to consider some my hero, would have to be some one who made a great impact in my life, or has made a great difference..