JeT SkIiNg, TuBeiNg iN tHe LaKe, MuSiC, AlL WoRks Of ArT, TiGeRs, DoLpHiNs, MaNaTeeS, SloThS (tHey'Re sO ugLy They'rE CuTe), FroGs, LiOnS, DoGs (EsPeciAllY BoXeRs, PiTTbuLL TeRRieRs, GeRmAn ShEpHeRdS, DacHsuNdS, & DaLmAtiOnS), HoRsEs, PhOtoGraPhy, tHe CoLoR gReeN, MuSiC, ExeCuTiNg dEmOns, UniNhiBiTeD dAnCiNg, FisHiNg, CoOkiNg, KaReOkE, PAinTinG, POeTry, MeRmAiDs, BasEbaLL, HeAdBuTTing, WoOdWoRk, ROsEs*, ORcHiDs, TiGeR LillYs, IRiS', BoXiNg, WriTTiNg, DiFfeReNt CuLtUreS, TaToOs, CriMe ScEneS aNd FoReNsiCs, BaBiEs, wResTliNg wiTh My GiRls, MuSiC, AnYtHiNg AbOuT thE HuMaN BoDy, MaKiNg PeOpLe FeEl BeTTeR, InTeRioR DeSigN, ClaSSiC CaRS, FaSt CaRs, FiGuRinG OuT PeOpLeS PerSoNaLitiEs, GiViNg gOoD aDviCe, TeNNis, CaLm WaYs To ReLeAsE AnGeR aNd PleAsurE- NoT SiMuLtaNeOuSLy, I wOnt SteAl EvEr AgAiN.. mY CoNsCiEnCe iS So LoUd! ReAdiNg aNd PoNdEriNg MoRe ThAn EvEr, BEing SuRroUndEd iN wAtEr, RanDom KnOwLeDge & TriViA, MeNdiNg My BrOkeN hEaRt...AnY SuGgEsTiOns WoUld Be GrEaTlY ApPrEciAtEd, BoWliNg, EaTiNg, SlEePiNg, ReaLiTy, dRaWiNg, WiNd iN mY HaiR, StAriNg aT tHe NiGhT StArS, JeWeLerY, DrEaMiNg, LeArNiNg tO eXcEpT MySeLf, BeEr, WoMeN iN ArT, EXpLoRiNg ThE UnKnOwN, SEeiNg ThE wORld, WiNe, SoMeTiMeS SeX, BuT PrEfeRaBly LoVe, LaUgHiNg, WaLkS oN tHe BeAch, AniMaTiOn, MiLk, WaLks oN MoUnTaiN TrAiLs, WiShiNg I cOuLd ResCue ThE WoRlD fRoM iTseLf, SuSHi, ItALiAn FoOd, PoTsTicKeRs, IcE-CrEaM, ShRiMp, SwiMMinG, AdVenTuReS, TrAveLinG, BloOdy MaRyS, FriEnDs* tHaT hElp KeEp Me SAnE, SiNgiNg, RiDinG mY BiKe, My HuGe FaMiLy, TrYinG NoT tO BeAt MySeLf Up FoR aLL mY ReGreTs, oH aNd MuSiC
We need to be saved not slaved to your disgusting satisfaction. When will it end? Kill another brother and take another soul... Kill another father, make another hole. Things have to change we're nearly half way there to the silence of judgement day. The day we lose our voices and we're all on our knees. Thats the the day the world ends and the barbarians see. - another piece of ME
Clowns to the left of me Jokers to the right
I'd like to meet:
GrEy PeOpLe, NoT yEt BuT EvEnTuaLLy - ThE GoD... I LiKe AlMosT eVerYBody... But JuSt To NaMe A FeW iN tHe FiLm/TV/MuSiC/eArtH iNdUsTriE- RoBeRt DeNiErO, UmA ThUrMaN, JaCk bLacK, OpRaH, JoNnY DePP, GwEn StEfaNi, DrEw BaRrYMoRe, AdAm SaNdLeR, CaRmeN EleCtRa, WiLL FeRreLL, BeN StiLLeR, MaRtiN ScOrSeSe, QeUnTiN TaRaNtiNo, HEidi KLuM... aNy CoNsidEraTe pEoPLe LeFt iN tHiS wOrLd... or OuT oF tHiS WoRLd... SaLvAdoR DaLi...R.I.P to the MAC D.R.E... BiLL GaTeS... tHe FliNsTonEs... RoB DyRdEk... SuRviVoRs aNd FiReFiGhTerS oF 9/11... Dr. DrEw... PiTTbuLL BrEeDeRs... KeNdRa WiLkiNsoN... GeOrGiA O'KeEfe... Dr. SeUsS...OpEn MiNdeD SoULs... MaRyLiN MoNrOe... SaRa SiLvErMan... GraFFiTi Do'ErS (ReAl OnEs wiTh CanVas-NoT LaMe "tAggErs"... D'LoC... OzZiE OsBoUrnE... PeOpLe ThAt ArE RiCh... PeOpLe ThAt ArE PoOr... ArTiSts... MiChEllE RoDriGueZ... FrAnKLin DeLaNo RoOsEveLt... AlYsSa MiLaNo... SoMe BRitTiSh BLoOdY BLoKeS... SoMe RoWdY IriSh DriNkeRs... SmOkErS FrOm AmSteRDaM... AsS ShAkErs... GeRmAn CaR DeSiGnErS/EnGinEErs... BliNg BliNg... AlFonSe MuCha... SkaTeBoArdErS... BiKeRs... PeTa FoundErS anD suPpOrTeRs... SnOwBoArDeRs... SurFeRs... FRedeRiCk LoRd LeiGhTon... CriSs AnGeL... LoTTeRy WiNnErS... HuGh HeFnEr... ViNyL SpiNneRs... MaRk aNd BriAn... CoNfiDeNt FrEsH ScEnTeD WoMeN... BrAnDoN BoYd... DiReCtOrS... BoRiS VaLLejO... MoDeLiNg ScOuTs/ AgEnTs... TrAcY MoRgAn... ThE EnTrePreNeuR oF ViCtoRiAs SeCreT... MeN DrEnCheD iN CoLoGne... JeSSiCa AlBa... SpOnGeBoB SqUaRePaNts... ReEsE WiTheRsPoOn... LiTTLe KiCk aSs KiDs... SheL SiLveRsTieN... KeViN SmiTh... ApPrEciATeRs oF SaRcAsM... TyRa BaNks... KiRsTen DuNsT... BaM MaRgeRa... SuRviVorS Of HiTLerS RaTh... CuRb GriNdErS... HoMeWrEcKeR HaTeRs... ChRiStiNa AgUiLeRa... SeNsUaL PaSsiOnAtE HuMaNs... KiCk FlipPeRs... AmY BrOwn... StAiR oLLYeRs... ELdeRLy MeDiCaL MaRiJuAna PaTiEntS WiTh GoOd StOriEs To ShArE... JoNnY KnoXviLLe... MaRiSa MiLLeR... BeTTy PaiGe... B-ReAl... ThE CrEaToR oF mYsPaCe... JoKeRs... LoVeRs... haTeRs... RoBeRt SmiTh... JoE PeSci... BrAd NoElle... SlAsH... FuNnY WoMeN... FuNnY MeN... aWeSoMe DoGs... ScULpTeRs... OliViA DeBeRaRdiNis... tHe WeSt CoAsT CusToMs CrEw... ThAt sLy CaT iN tHe HaT... ChRiStiNa RiCCi... MiX MaStEr MiKe... ArT PrOFesSoRs... HoRaTiO SanS... ReAL EsKiMos LiViNg iN iGLoOs... EDgaR ALLen PoE... DoMiNaTriX PrAcTicErS... ChElSeA HaNdlEr... CLoThiNg DeSigNeRs To PrOmOtE My iDeAs... PhArELL... PeOpLe ChAngiNg tHe WoRld... JaCk NiColSon... AShToN KuTcHeR... RaVe PrOmOteRs... KaTe HuDsOn... ThE CrEw oF InDeCLiNe... LaNcE ArMsTrOnG... JaRoMe BaKeR... AlBeRt EiNsTiEn... JiMMy FaLLon... TaMpOn StUffErS CuZ ThAtS GoTTa Be ThE WoRsT JoB eVeR... QuEeN LaTiFaH... AniMal LoVeRs... JiM CaReY... AmELiA AiRhEaRt... PeOpLe SaViNg ThE wOrLd fRoM DiStRucTioN... DeMoCriTuS-tHe LauGhiNg GrEeK PhiLoSopHeR... NaTuRe LoViN' TrEe HuGgiN' HiPpiEs... SnOoP... SmiTh & WeSsOn... AnGeLs WaLkiNg AmOnG uS... DaNe CoOk... StEvEn KiNg... PiCcAsSo... LeOnArDo DiVinnCi... NoStRoDoMuS... PrEaCheRs... EvA MenDez... LaUrA PrEpOn... AbNoRmALLy OvEr GrOwN PeOpLe... KuRt CoBaiN... MiDgEtS... CaMeRoN DiAz... TrEnt ReZnOr... WhiTe TrAsH GuEsTs ThAt NeEd To Be SLaPpeD oFF tHe JeRRy SpRinGeR sHoW... RicK RuBen... JeNnY CrAig... ShErRyL CrOw... CheATeRs ThAt GoT CaUgHt... JeSsiCa & AsHlEy SiMpsOn... DoLLeY PaRdoN... JeWeL... davE cHApEllE... SwaY... JeNniFeR LoPeZ... GuLLibLe BuLL sHit BeLieVeRs... SciEnTiSts AnD DoCtoRs CoNTinUeiNg To FiNd CuReS... PiNk... ApHrOdiTe GrEeK GodEsS oF LoVe... TiNa FeY... SteViE NiCks... HoWaRd SteRn So I CaN SpiT iN hIs FaCe- naStY PeRve... ScArLett JoHaNsoN... InSoMniAcs... ChArLiZe ThEroN... SHaUn WhiTe... sHaKiRa... UnDeRgRouNd MuSiC LoVeRs... CaLiForNiaNs FiGhTinG FoR ThE CaUsE... DogG tHe BoUnTy HuNtEr... DaViD SpAdE... AdAm CoRRoLa... SyLviA BrOwN... InVenToRs... JoHn MaYeR... MaRyLiN MaNsOn... JaCk... pReTtY MuCh EvEryBodY aNd AnYbOdY
"when the world ends we'll be burnin' one"
Your Inner Color is Blue
Your Personality: Your natural warmth and intuition tends to amaze those around you. You are accepting and always follow your heart.
You in Love: Relationships are your top priority, and this includes love. You are most happy when you are serious with someone.
Your Career: You need to help others in your job to feel satistifed. You would be a great nurse, psychologist, or counselor.
What's Your Inner Color?
Myspace Contact Tables
Everything - Even the ones I forgot to name... TheCure*, Sublime*, NIN, Coldplay*, FooFighters*, Tool*, Atreyu, All senses Fail, Deftones*, Smashing Pumpkins, AFI, Taking Back Sunday*, VAST*, Be Your Own Pet*, Flyleaf, Angels in Airwaves*, Evanescence, Incubus*, Six Ounce Glove, 311, Jet, The Ataris, KiTTie, Thrice, Beck, Violent Fems, Three Days Grace, Metallica, Transplants, some Slipknot, Stone Temple Pilots, Better Than Ezra, Simple Plan, Offspring*, Pearl Jam*, System of a Down, Wolfmother, NOFX, Bad Religion, A Perfect Circle*, Cat Powerr, Alice in Chains*, Nickelback, Red Hot Chili Peppers*, The White Stripes, ModestMouse*, Linkin Park*, Lost Prophets, Stained, Pepper, Matisyahu, Blue October*, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs*, The Killers, Everlast, Rage Against The Machine*, Deathcab4cutie, old school Korn*, Nirvana*, Radiohead*, Pantera, Weezer, The Donnas, Blink182, GreenDay, Sneakerpimps, Lilly Allen, Sia*, Relient K, Kutless, DC Talk, Dirty Vegas, Led Zeppelin*, Jefferson Airplane, Peter Frampton, U2*, Journey, ACDC, ZZTop*, Jonny Cash*, Queen, Aerosmith*, PinkFloyd*, Jethro Tull, Foriegner, The Police*/Sting, The Ramones, The Zombies, Jimi Hendrix*, Neil Young, Elton John, Santana, Blondie, CCR, Don Henley, Phill Collins, Peter Gabriel, Bryan Adams, Billy Joel*, Pat Benatar, The Cars*, Eric Clapton, Bob Marley*, Steel Pulse, Damien Marley, The Beatles*, The Clash, The Doors*, Heart*, DuranDuran, Hall&Oates, Fleetwood Mac*, Carly Simon*, James Taylor, Carol King, The Eagles*, Steve Miller Band, Janis Joplin, The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers*, The Who, The Pretenders, Bob Seager, The Talking Heads, Steely Dan*, Alanis Morrisette*, Tori Amos*, The Smiths, The Cranberries*, Sarah McLachlin*, Nikka Costa*, Alicia Keys, Pussycat Dolls, Lumidee, Beyonce*, Fionna Apple*, Enya*, Jewel*, Dido*, Mandolay, Aphex Twin, 8MM, Bjork*, Daughter Darling, Kelly Clarkson, Michelle Branch, Faith Evans, Corinne Bailey Rae, Mary J. Blidge, India Arie*, Kelis, Lauryn Hill, Jill Scott, Joss Stone, Ashanti*, Portishead, Zero7*, Sade*, Paul Okenfold, Maroon5, Natasha Beddingfield, Justin Timberlake after Nsync, Aaliyah*, Ciara, Rihanna, SoultoSoul, Whitney Houston, Madonna*, Mariah Carey*, Missy Elliot*, Eve, Cassie, Nina Sky, Mya, Foxy Brown*, Peaches, LeTigre, SaltNPeppa, TLC, En-Vogue, Christina Millian, some Lil Kim, Trina, FerGi, Janet-Miss Jackson if your nasty*, NoDoubt*, yea even Garth Brooks, Faith Hill, Shania Twain, Rascal Flatts, John Mayer*, Damien Rice*, Jack Johnson*, Ben Harper*, Dave Matthews Band*, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Louie Armstrong... thats good romance music :) Otis Redding*, Donna Summers, Roberta Flack, The Isley Brothers, Marvin Gaye*, Rick James*, Smokey Robinson, The Temptations, The Commodors, SOS Band, Zapp&Roger, Prince*, AlGreen*, Peter Tosh, Anita Baker*, Goapele, The MaryJane Girls*, Whodini, John Legend, Gym Class Heroes*, Gnarls Barkley, MC Lyte, LLCoolJ, Jay-Z*, BlackMoon, E40*, BLegit, 2Pac*, Common*, The Roots, Weathermen, Grouch*, Murse, Luckyiam.psc, SlickRick, Ice Cube, Eligh - "PATiENCE iS A ViRTUE", ColeyCole from Vice City, Eminem*, Slug, Kanye West, Planet Asia, Immortal Technique, Sage Francis, El-P, Run D.M.C, Geto Boys, Aesop Rock*, Pharoeh Monch, Ill-Bill, Necro, Mac Dre*, Scarface, Digital Underground, DJ Premier, Yukmouth, Dubee, Mob Figaz, XRaided, Tech9*, Ying Yang Twins, Bone Thugs & Harmony, NWA, George Duke, BashBros, Artifacts, DEL, Hieroglyphics*, DeLaSoul, Arrested Development, DJEquipto, T.I., MobbDeep, Arsonists, Abstract Rude, Prolyphic, Zapp&Roger, The Gap Band*, George Clinton, Usher, Ludacris, Blackalicious, BrothaLynch, Cormega*, Juelz Santana, Outkast*, Alchemist, Ghostface Killah, MF Doom*, Tribe Called Quest*, MitchySlick, Mac Mall, Pharcyde, EPMD, Gangstarr*, KeakDaSneak*, RZA, Spice1, Non Phixion, Virtuoso, Andre Nicatina*, some Chamillionaire, Lil' Jon, KRS-ONE, AZ, Hieroglyphics, Mac Lethal, Busta Rhymes*, Dr. Dre, some Pittbull, Aceyalone, DruDown, Xzibit*, SunspotJonz, Blueprint, Definitive Jux, Swollen Members, old school WarrenG, Rhyme Sayers, MosDef, Snoop Dogg* of course, Pharrell*, West Side Connections, MethodMan*, Twista*, Dr. Octagon, TooShorT, Dialated Peoples, JediMind Tricks, Nas*, Souls of Mischief, Atmosphere*...I'll think of more later... I always do
Kill Bill(1&2)*, Casino*, The Notebook*, The Wall, Full Metal Jacket, Meet the Parents, American HistoryX, Dogma, The Piano, 50 First Dates, I am Legend, The Goodfellas, The Departed, Pulp Fiction, Devils Advocate, Chuck & Larry, Almost Famous, We Own the Night, Across the Universe, Natural Born Killers, 4Rooms, The Wedding Singer, The Lost Boys, Belly, Monster, Dazed and Confused, Ghost, The Game, Risky Business, Fear, Constantine, Ever After, War of Roses, 8Mile, Clockwork Orange, Gangs of New York, Labrynth, Willow, Aeon Flux, Blow, Aplha Dog, Running with Scissors, The Green Mile, Beowolf, Love & Basketball, Boondock Saints, Scarface, Somewhere in Time, Charlies Angels, Sin City, Pretty Woman, Legends of the Fall, Dirty Dancing(of course lol), Kids, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Titanic, City of Angels, Passion of the Christ, Zoolander, It, The Shinning, Blue Crush, Monster, Mr. Brooks, Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, A River Runs Through It, The Cell, Carlitos Way, Stranger than Fiction, The Blue Lagoon, Girl Interrupted, Fun with Dick and Jane, Mask(the old one starring Cher), Clueless, Raging Bull, Boyz in the Hood, Cruel Intentions, Michael, Steel Magnolias, Friday, Office Space, Tommy Boy, Dances with Wolves, Liar Liar, Trainspoting, Witches, Billy Madison, Waterboy, Big, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Sweetest Thing, Wonderland, Orange County, Jawbreaker, Theres Something about Mary, Elizabeth Town, Anchorman, Donnie Darko, Boiler Room, Rainman, Waiting to Exhale, School of Rock, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, Black Sheep, Waynes World, Kiss the Girls, Pretty in Pink, Crash, Edward Scissor Hands, Whats eating Gilbert Grape, Riding in Cars with Boys, The Cableguy, Ray, Forrest Gump, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Beaches, Resevoir Dogs, Fight Club, E.T, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Shallow Hal, The Breakfest Club, St. Elmos Fire, Grease, Dont tell mom the Babysitters Dead, The Virgin Suicides, Mommy Dearest, Romeo and Juliet, Seven, Legend, Ace Ventura, Walk the Line, Sixteen Candles, Phantom of the Opera, Suicide Kings, Born in East L.A, Super Troopers, All the Disney Classics... I had tons of movies listed but my profile got messed up and deleted em' for some reason... its gonna take me a while to put em' all up again...
I dont really watch TV...I listen to Music... but when I do... Sex and the City, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Most Extreme Challenge, The Office, The Sopranos, Oprah, Crankyankers, The Simpsons, Superdad, Cops, Cold Case, Saturday Night Live, Mad TV, Extreme Home Makeover, House, Whos line is it Anyway, VH1, MTV, The Discovery Channel, The History Channel...
I dont read that much thanks to 2 jobs... but I really enjoy biographys and autobiographys when I do...
The Ultimate Collection of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell*, A night without Armor, The Diary of Anne Frank, Mary Reilly, Go ask Alice, The Newspaper! Hightimes, Maxim, Stuff, FHM, Blender, Rolling Stone, The Cyclist, Angels Vs. Demons, A Wrinkle in Time, The Life and Death of Adolph Hitler, Left Behind, Where the Red Fern Grows (seriously lol) and Tons of Art Books...
Yea... Pardon Me
The God, Mamma, Creative thinkers and Writers, Musicians, Poets, Artists, Good Hearted People, and in some ways-My Ex