Ring Of Fire Records profile picture

Ring Of Fire Records

About Me

Ring of fire records was started on the basis that every band that puts in the hard work to make music deserves to get treated fair and get shows without having to worry about getting screwed over by a promoter or venue. The owners of ring of fire records have been in countless bands and know what its like to have to deal with the hassle of getting ripped off and dealing with liars and fakes, Which is why ring of fire records was started in early 2004 we took a lot of time to plan things out to make sure we can offer the best shows and opportunities possible. We are here for the bands that want to go to the next level and expand their music and themselves. Right now we are mainly doing booking/promoting well we get more established. So if your band is looking for a show in Arizona send us a message and we will start working for you right away!VEHEMENCE AT JOES GROTTO APRIL 26TH

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My Interests


Member Since: 3/8/2008
Band Members: Some pretty drastic changes are happening right now, we will keep you posted
Influences: BANDS WE HAVE PROUDLY WORKED WITH IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER: Fractured, Occision, Ameliora, Archaic Cessation, Vehemence, Death Perception, A Fatal Defect.Howitzer,Mission G, Meathook... Many more to come soon
Record Label: Our own
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Public apology and news

I will make this as short and to the point as possible, We put on a show july 25th which fell way short of our company standards. There was a lot of stuff that happened that night that still has not ...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 02:20:00 GMT