Anna profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I like: bubble tea, going to the park, ultimate frisbee, BLUE SKY vineyard, all of my wonderful friends, spagetti, Laura's 5th floor mascott (reindeer!), knitting with Tracy, playing piano, math 125 (isn't that weird?), listening to music, playing music, helping with the band, praying for people, helping people move (not so much in the rain), talking to the other Laura really late at night, hugs, glowsticks, going to camp baracha, eating animal crackers, having dinner at other peoples houses, talking to heather on wednesday nights, fresh apple cider, making the "squeek" sound on SPU campus, lonna's cookies, when mike asks me what was the coolest thing that happened to me this week, reading, wondering, walking, flying kites, riding in scottie B!'s truck in the maydenbauer parking lot, going to "the mix" with jenna on rainy days, the island, birthday parties, houses, my family, converse shoes with pickel shoelaces, working at northridge music when I'm home, playing frisbee in northridge music, playing scottie or josh's electric guitar, laughing with jenna, hanging out with little kids, IMAX movies, merry-go-rounds, and concerts.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone

My Blog


AHHH! don't go to the lake. not only is it expensive... but you'll lose your shoes! Just a warning for all of you out there... But we made it, heather rescued my shoe! she's way cool
Posted by on Mon, 06 Sep 2004 16:56:00 GMT

over my mild sadness!

Now we're going to the lake! yayayayay. Heather and I are gonna have chicken for lunch...mmmm... then we're gonna go have some fun driving around and playing on the beach!
Posted by on Mon, 06 Sep 2004 11:19:00 GMT


Today is labor day. there is nothing to do. I'm frusterated, because I have to leave soon, and I don't like being bored when I could be spending time with people. I guess I'll just go pack....
Posted by on Mon, 06 Sep 2004 09:49:00 GMT