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About Me

It hurts to love someone and not beloved in return. But what is more painful is to lovesomeone and never find the courage to let that person knowhow much you feel. Maybe god wants us to go through a fewwrong people before meeting the right person and then wewill know how to feel grateful for that gift. Love is whenyou take that feeling, the passion and that romance in arelationship and find out that you..ll still care aboutthat person. A sad thing in life is when you meet someonewho really means alot to you, to find out that in the endit was never meant to be, and you just have to let go. Whenthe door to happiness closes, another door opens. But oftentimes we look so long at the door that we dont see the onethat has already been opened for us. It is true that wedont know what been missing till it has arrived.Giving some one all your love, is not an assurance thatthey..ll be back. Don..t expect love in return, be contentthat it will grow in you. Never say goodbye if you stillwant to try, never give up if you feel that you cant go on,and never say that you dont love that person anymore if youcant let go. Love comes to those who still hope, althoughthey've been disappointed. To those who still believealthough they've been betrayed. To those who still needlove although they've been hurt before and to those whostill have courage to build trust again. It takes a minuteto have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, a dayto love someone, and a lifetime to forget that someone.Don..t go for looks, for they can deceive. Don..t go forthe wealth, for even that fades away. Go for someone thatmakes you smile, because it only takes a smile to brightenup a dark day. There are moments in life when you misssomeone so much that you just want to pick them up fromyour dreams and hug them for real. Dream what you want todream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be,because you only live one life and you only have one chanceto do all the things you want to do. May you have enoughhappiness to make you sweet, enough sorrow to keep youhuman, and enough trials to keep you strong and enough hopeto keep you happy! Always put yourself in others shoes, ifyou feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts that persontoo. A careless world may strife, a cruel world may wreck alife, but a loving world may heal and bless. The beginningof love is to let that person we love just be themselves,and not to change them in their own image, otherwise, welove only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those whohave searched, and to those who have tried; for only theyappreciate the importance of people who have touched theirlives. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, andends with a tear. The brightest future is based on aforgotten past. You can..t go on with life until you let goof your past failures and heartaches. When you were born,you were crying and the world rejoiced. Live life, for whenyou die, the world is crying and you rejoiced. fashion layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

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