Cédric profile picture


un deuxième enfant pour très bientôt.....!!!

About Me

i make music in none-id (www.none-id.net) and aussitôt mort (aussitotmort.free.fr / www.myspace.com/aussitotmort)Secondly, i am a studant in Socio-Anthropology and i make a very big book on Nuclear industry (specialy on workers of the nuclear industry)I am in LASAR (Lobaratoy of Socio-anthopolgy's analyse of Risk) at Caen's University / Basse-Normandie)Soon,I'll try to put online my sociology's works.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Music, sociology, anthropology and wine


The Who, Carcass, Supuration, Cathédral, Neil Young, Amanda Woodward and The Young Gods!


Dead Man, Eraserhead, Les valseuses...


La convivialité (Ivan Illich), Germinal (Emile Zola), La mémoire des vaincus (Michel Ragon), Misères du présent, Richesse du possible (André Gorz)...


Ivan Illich