oNe foIne dAy, LiL MisTiKal aNd Mz MaFia wEre ChiLLeN aT thE ImPoRT sHow..wHeN AlL oF a SuDdEn, a HoT PiNOY wALkS By. AlL of A SudDen, KuTiE shOwS uP anD tAkEs A QuIcK pIncH aT hIs AsS. "wUt Wuz daT fOe BiZzAtCH!?!" AnD KuTiE sAys: "I AiN'T yO BiZzAtCh..yOu'S bE MiNe FoO!" As tHe GuY wAlKs Off aLL pISseD anD shiYaT, MaFia aNd MisT briNg uP tHe IdEa of piMpiN hoT piNoYs, And HavIn tHeM frOLiC aRouNd tOplESs wIt tHeIr 6pacs And ShIyAt, seRvIn tHem 24/ it was just a dream..but who can stop us from that? Ha.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Guys who wanna be whores (yeah you know who you guys are, showing off your bods like no one is looking) Yeah, that means YOU! & fellow booty patrol friend's from ghetto Apt107 (yeah you know who you people are, stop hiding)..and anyone cool.