Boobies, dick and fart jokes, violence, lol boobies! This is possibly the most messed up thing i have seen in my entire life...i enjoy it thuroughly
Anything metal bish!...or not, doesn't really matter
Hey I've done some I'm not particularly proud of but this is not the time nor place for that discussion!
Is a figment of your imagination...set up by the santa claus and jesus to help you forget how bad you suck at life
hellz no bish, the internet makes me teh smart! ^^^(reference)Alex Ross is the coolestt pimp daddy on the block. -From the fifth grade science book
(omg you tried to click it omgwtfbbq!)
Nooch! You're Jay, the foul-mouthed drug dealer
who really does have a heart of gold. It's
just covered up by poop and pot.
Which Kevin Smith Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your Superhero Persona
by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero Name The Bankruptcy Lawyer
Super Power Severe Mood Swings
Enemy Hipsters
Mode Of Transportation Skateboard
Weapon A Stapler
Quiz created with MemeGen !
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