This section is not getting filled out or are any of the subsections of this side of my profile.That means the movies/television/books/heroes sections.
There are people that are supposed to go into this field, but not like most people reading this care...and I don't feel like expending the energy to think about it. So instead of typing people names, i'm just typing out this so I will keep my mind off the idea that this box would like.Since the friends box is below this little splurge of words, i'll say it now. I do not have plans or ever plan on changing my friends list or also known as "my top 8". Thats the way I added my first set of friends, and in no order of importance is implied because of the friends listed. Anyways, people's obession with being on their friend's top 8 is sort of sad and makes me believe we're back at 5 years old.