KAT profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm just a crazy ol kat from new brunswick tryin to find my place in the maddness that is life.I graduated from Dalhousie University last spring and went sailing on tall ships ever since. First I started on the MAR out of Halifax Harbour, then went on to play in the rig of the Bluenose II out of Lunenburg. I love to sail and be by the water in the summer and in the winter you con find me at the hill terrorizing the park with the boys. I also like to skateboard and surf but i suck at surfing still. I am back in school again taking calculus and physics all summer (puke) so i can hopefully get into either coasr guard college sometime soon. If i don't go the coast guard route, then either way this stuff will help me with navigation and calculating stability, etc. but either way i'm sort of at a cross roads in my life right now and looking to figure out where i fit into everything. I just know i'm a pretty different sort of girl and i think i need to be true to myself and do something different. i have the brains to do whatever i want, but i don't think i care about that sort of thing so much. i think i'd rather just be happy doing something that i love.I got my layout at Cleanupmyspace.com

My Interests

Boats, Boys, Beers, booze... hahaha do i see a trend forming? i think so. I like to rock out... have fun. Go sailing, hikin in the woods, go to the beach, try to get out surfing from time to time. i also skateboard, snowboard... climb things....i LOOOOOOVE dancing and singing. i like to drive my truck. i also like to do doughnuts in the winter..and poke fun at myself for being such a major friggin hick. yes i know i'm one. i personally enjoy it. hmm what else. i enjoy playing a little air guitar in the wee hours of the morning with the may street madness crew. from time to time i like to sub in a vacuum cleaner for an air guitar, or maybe just pump some iron. hahaha fairly odd yes, but also amazingly funny. if ya wanna know more about me just ask cuz i'm sick of typin.

I'd like to meet:

maybe you.


metal and punk, mostly. 70's rock, bit of hip hop, old sk00l rap and /or hip hop, house muzik, reggae music, jungle, breaks, d'n'b, indie...cheesy dance tunes. old sk00l speed garage man..why don't people play that shit anymore? i love it so much! new bands i've discovered like: trans-am, the knife, le tigre, the rapture, silver sun pickups, the nate wilson group, we are the fury, sunday girl, and the oldies i refuse to let go like: Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Guns n' Roses, Offspring (the old stuff), THE CLASH, The Kinks, Iron Maiden, ACDC, Rammstein, NIN, The White Stripes, Modest Mouse, METRIC, De La Soul, The Roots, Lauryn Hill, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Jim Croce, The Grateful Dead, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Tom Petty, The Allman Brothers, Joni Mitchell, Janis Joplin, John Denver, Fleetwood Mac, Phoenix, Of Montreal, Rancid, Pennywise, NOFX, Lars Frederickson and the Bastards, Anti-Flag, The Refused, The International Noise Conspiracy, Minor Threat, Rise Against, Less Than Jake, Goldfinger, Atreyu, The Vandals, Funeral for a Friend, The Pixies, Weezer, The Sadies, Be Good Tanyas, Bjork, Radiohead, The New Deal, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Shins, Pink Floyd, Michael Franti & Spearhead, Burt Neilson Band!, Caution Jam, The Slip, Jazzberry Ram, Ben Folds Five, Matt Mays & El- Torpedo, Joel Plaskett Emergency, Jimmy Swift Band, Fed PenniesBlue Rodeo, Tyrell / MacKay, George Clinton & the Parliament Funkadelic, Madonna, Bran Van 3000, BECK for fuck's sakes!, Wolf Parade, Unicorns, Gorillaz, velvet Underground, lou reed, Fred Eaglesmith, Evil 9, 187 Lockdown, and so many more that i'm sure i can't remember at the moment.i am constantly looking to expand my music collection so someone please give me some recommendations!!!


Natural Born Killers, Garden State, Domino, The Godfather Trilogy, lord of the Rings Trilogy, ALL JAMES BOND movies, Down With Love, Lolita (with jeremy irons in it), The Secretary with james spader, magnolia, america beauty, Moulin Rouge, Trainspotting, Run Lola Run, Together, Fun, Raging Bull, All boardsport videos, White Squall, Wind, Old School, 40 yr Old Virgin, Royal Tenenbaums, Life Aquatic, ANCHORMAN!, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Waiting for Guffman, A Mighty Wind, Best in Show, Transamerica, Matrix Movies, Underworld Movies, Dark Days, snatch, lock stock and 2 smokin barrels, layer cake, smokin aces, spiderman movies, all batman movies, full metal jacket, office space, clerks, clerks II, godfather series, LOTR trilogy, little miss sinshine, T2 of course--best movie ever don't even get me started on that-- umm i dunno. lotsa movies i guess. cuz i don't really watch tv at all i don't have cable....cable kills ambition and all motivation to do anything and everything.


SEX AND THE CITY!, Nip/Tuck, 6 Feet Under, Extreme Machines, Anything on TLC, anything on Discovery (how it's made, extreme machines, frontiers of construction, etc.), anything on The Outdoor Life Network, CSI is alright..minus the annoying re-runs all the time and the cheesy flashlights being used ALL THE TIME and how just by coincidence everything seems to fall together PERFECTLY..EVERY TIME. haha ummmmm The Office (BBC version)... criminal minds, Law and Order, the 4400


All Quiet on the Western Front, The Things They Carried, Without Vodka, The Stones Cried Out, Green Grass Running Water, Brave New World, 1984, Animal Farm, The Metamporphosis, No Logo, Fast Food Nation, Life of Pi, Number the Stars, Forbidden City, Kiss the Girls, Middlemarch, The Wars...


my parents, siblings, and friends..everyday they make me realise how great life is. Enos Collins, JB MacLachlan, Really anyone who stands up for themselves and or what they believe in is deserving of merit and recognition. Tara Dakides is cool. I'd love to be a pro rider. Anyone whose ever been down and picked themselves back up again in the face of some terrible shit. Kudos to them. Agnes MacPhail, tryin to think of others...leave it with me..

My Blog

where are all the good layouts when ya need em?

dammit everything i find is like either totally gay, or just plain fuckin cheezy. for example, i want to find a cool layout--all in black, with either a little red or pink or bright blue or something ...
Posted by KAT on Tue, 15 May 2007 11:59:00 PST


i am just writing this note to say a few simple words: anyone who chooses to implicate me in their bullshit drama can go fuck themselves because i have never done a friggin thing to wrong anyone and i...
Posted by KAT on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 07:15:00 PST

devin retson is my idol

ok so i'm right loaded and in the 'view. all is fuckin A and i]M, havin good times. god love the dirty hicks and total bangers from back home, they never cease to amaze me and make me laugh my ass off...
Posted by KAT on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 09:51:00 PST


uhhh..yeah. so about work this morning...i so didn't make it in... probably shoulda guessed that was gonna happen after about the 10th or so shot of tequila and the second or third bar. i don't even k...
Posted by KAT on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 09:06:00 PST

wtf mate

what is it with this myspace shit? i don't know how to work it... how do u customize it ? i don't even see where i can add pictures goddammit! somebody better tell me how to do it, especially since yo...
Posted by KAT on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 10:25:00 PST