Some reviews for Dante Tomaselli horror films:
Variety Magazine "The director achieves impressive overall results comparable to Bava or Argento’s more delirious moments...Richly atmospheric exercise in surreal a Grimm Bros. fairy tale filtered through the dreaming subconscious...This fatal family outing in the New Jersey Pine Barrens forest suggests familiar "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"-type terrain...Tomaselli creates a hyper-real atmosphere of striking primal-fear images, cackling lunacy, impending doom and grotesque humor...Belying very modest means, Tomaselli has delivered a design and tech package that’s first-rate. Complex music/ambient audio design he composed with Kenneth Lampl is a worthy match to Tim Naylor’s beautifully menacing photography..." "A desolate world full of childhood ghost stories brought to life...Wonderfully grotesque, lush...An amazing exercise in the uncanny, Satan’s Playground is a must for adventurous viewers."
TV Guide "Enormously promising...wildly ambitious...visually striking, not to mention genuinely creepy. Originality really does count, a lesson lost on many genre filmmakers but which Tomaselli clearly took to heart." "One powerfully visual experience...The screen is filled with faceless nuns, flashing lights, flying scissors and more...From the opening scenes to the end of the film, Tomaselli combines religion, horror and the supernatural together to great effect...I highly recommend a viewing of Desecration."
Icons of Fright "Dante Tomaselli is a unique, visionary filmmaker...more of a painter... It’s as though he has completely captured that feeling of lucid dreaming and put it on film..." "Independent horror director Dante Tomaselli is back with one of the most nightmarish films you will be most likely to see in video stores these days. Tomaselli has shown before that he has a style and signature that is different from most modern genre filmmakers...creating psychological horror stories with extremely strong visuals and an unsettling atmosphere." "The specifics of the plot are inconsequential when compared to the visual tapestry and skin-crawling punch of Horror. Shrieking jack-o-lanterns, violent thunderstorms, projectile vomiting, mysteriously slamming doors, and paintings that take on a life of their own are a few of things that Tomaselli uses to build the weirdness..."
THE AISLE SEAT "This movie immerses you in a disturbingly cryptic vision of hell on earth unlike any you’ve seen before. Remember the name Dante Tomaselli: he is one of the most important new voices in horror filmmaking." "What makes Tomaselli’s Horror so frightening is the sense of dread that oozes from the surreal, nightmarish atmosphere...A trancelike tapestry of images and sounds that’s completely mesmerizing..." "Dante Tomaselli’s second film, "Horror" is destined to be a classic of the genre... After watching this eerie assault on my most primal fears, I thought that if someone put Dario Argento and David Lynch into Jeff Goldblum’s transporter pod from "The Fly," Dante Tomaselli would pop out the other side. In the film "Horror," Dante Tomaselli invites you to enter a disturbing and surreal world of hopelessness and fear."
San Francisco Bay Guardian "There’s been a dismaying recent trend in horror movies away from imaginative terror and into literal torture. I prefer the creepy atmospherics, perversities, and fantasticism of horror films that suggest the mind is the scariest place of all. They’re getting harder to find. Fortunately, surreal horror has a major US champion in Dante Tomaselli. Mario Bava and Dario Argento would doubtless approve." "Satan’s Playground is gripping and hugely atmospheric, and again confirms the director as one of the most interesting and original filmmakers working in the genre."
SF INDIE FEST "Like many iconoclastic auteurs, Dante Tomaselli’s films divide audience opinions-making him a film festival favorite. His first film, Desecration, was a cult hit and received extensive coverage in Fangoria and the horror press. His second film, Horror, has played to a number of international audiences, and travels well because nightmarish big black goats with horns are creepy in any language." "This ghoulish, stream-of-consciousness freak-out on film from Desecration director Tomaselli is even more disorienting than his first effort...The ambience is spacious and contributes greatly to the film’s mood of unease. Watch it alone in a dark room with rear speakers nearby, if you dare."
IGN.COM "With heavy influences from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Evil Dead, Satan’s Playground is filled to the brim with gothic imagery and sadistic style, all of which make it a fun, yet bizarre, nightmarish ride....This 81-minute fright fest is a nice little horror treat... Watch this film with the lights down and the volume up, and prepare for a jolting experience that would be a great addition to your Halloween night movie lineup. Satan’s Playground is Dante Tomaselli’s best film to date." "Amazing imagery, frightening set-pieces, one of the greatest sound designs I’ve ever heard..."
Rue Morgue Magazine "Deeply artistic...Beautifully nightmarish...Reminiscent of the melodramatic, vibrant expressionism of Dario Argento and Lucio Fulci." "Tomaselli knows how to exploit the eeriness of the New Jersey woods for maximum effect. Best yet, the total lack of CGI makes you think you’re watching a movie from the 1980s. What I like about Satan’s Playground is that it is unpredictable, and evokes an eerie sense of hopelessness absent in so many horror films today. The cinematography, music and some of the gore effects are brilliant. They don’t make ’em like this anymore, folks. At least nobody but Tomaselli does." "Dante Tomaselli has gained quite a following. There are some nice shivery touches, like some unexpectedly effective makeup effects during some attack scenes. The vibe brings to mind many of Tobe Hooper..s films, especially with the doom-laden feeling that has you wondering if any of the characters, lead or otherwise, will make it out of their predicament in one piece. There..s also some pretty cool sound design to enhance the atmosphere, plus a brooding original score by Tomaselli and Kenneth Lampl." "Satan’s Playground is a homage to the horror films that many of us grew up with, but it’s much more than this. With a full throated scream-queen performance from Felissa Rose and an approach to violence that is shocking rather than explicit Tomaselli clearly knows and loves his chosen genre. And this is a taut, superbly paced shocker that really does keep you on the edge of your seat throughout."
Cult Cuts Magazine "A living nightmare in hell caught on film..." "Desecration is a real treat for those looking for an atmospheric and stylish religio-horror flick and it’s sure to give you the heebie-jeebies. Keep your eye on Tomaselli; this guy’s definitely got a future." "Horror retains some of the Catholic themes from Tomaselli’s first film along with his fascination with foggy landscapes, the walking dead, hallucinations, and face-shifting paintings...There’s no denying director Dante Tomaselli has a flair for atmosphere: "Horror" is a very pretty film with some inventive shocks..." "Director Dante Tomaselli continues to evoke the quality of a drug-induced nightmare with this film. Anchor Bay Entertainment’s DVD looks and sounds great and offers some nice extras. If you are familiar with Dante Tomaselli’s earlier films DESECRATION and HORROR, then you’ll want to check out SATAN’S PLAYGROUND."
Firelightshocks "Dante Tomaselli is a director to watch and someone who is poised to become a major force in the independent genre scene...Surreal visuals, moments of pure cinema - which would not go amiss in a silent film from the German expressionist era - and several colourful, not to mention lyrical, moments which are almost guaranteed to leave you feeling unnerved...Tomaselli depicts the creepy side of Christianity - hell, suffering and torment. The notion that hell is something that defaces innocence is inventively shown through macabre images of adolescent icons, such as clowns and balloons, turned into twisted, threatening objects..."
Slant Magazine "A storybook fairy tale on acid...strange sounds and spooky atmosphere...There’s a psychic lash of pain in the way Tomaselli shows violence. His movies are taut and fast, careening along with the camera as stand-in for supernatural force and oppressive dread. Satan’s Playground announces filmmaker Dante Tomaselli as a horror talent to watch out for." "Desecration conjures up textures not seen since the era of classic Eurohorror and without question, is one of the last decade’s best horror pictures." "A fantastic ride...You will love this movie..."
Film Fanaddict Magazine "Unlike SCREAM, SATAN’S PLAYGROUND is not an attempt to parody horror films, nor is it a post-modern take on the genre. It is a faithful recreation of a particular style of horror film, which to his credit Tomaselli pulls off masterfully."
MONSTERSATPLAY.COM "The film strikes a nerve and doesn’t stop until the end credits roll...HORROR is a truly unique and frightening vision...It has it all, from torture chambers to creepy demonic children and even a full on zombie assault...HORROR is well paced, timed and executed and most’s scary." "Dante Tomaselli has a great eye for the strange and the unexpected..." "Satan’s Playground is a fun, entertaining horror movie...The smoky lighting and colored tones are reminiscent of a lot of sixties and seventies Italian horror films...If you’ve got the hardware to make it happen, do yourself a favor and watch the film with the 5.1 track turned way up as this is a really nice, aggressive, atmospheric mix. Satan’s Playground is one of the better and more creative low budget features to come out in some time." "Tomaselli has made a name for himself in the horror business by bringing forth films that break many of “the rules†while at the same time being familiar enough to bring in an audience." "This harrowing account of a bickering family’s unexpected descent into demonic madness is a cut above most of the genre fare hitting the multiplexes today. Satan’s Playground is a remarkable tale of terror which will stay with you long after viewing." "Anchor Bay have done another rip-snorting job of the DVD. It looks good, sounds good, and even comes with a few choice extras – including a couple of small featurettes and a commentary by the insightful Tomaselli."
Visions of Terror "Dante Tomaselli’s latest movie, Satan’s Playground, presents the classic slasher plot device of a carload of people breaking down in the woods, and one by one encountering the evil that dwells there. But within this traditional framework, fans of Horror or Desecration will still recognize trademarks of the director’s offbeat internal dialogue, of telling a story that begins and ends within itself, taking little for outside reference. Satan’s Playground, like the two movies before it, feels like it takes place on its own little planet, where people say and do strange things with stranger consequences. It’s horror that plays with your mind, Tomaselli-style." "An overpowering sense of doom and gloom...Tomaselli is one of the most original filmmakers working today."
Film Threat "One hell of a trippy ride...The aptly titled "Horror" is a great Halloween movie...Tomaselli builds up his own brand of creepy suspense...He has the skills to create a horrific atmosphere for his characters to wander around, through masterful camerawork, an eerie score and above average performances from his cast."
Arrow in the Head "A relentless and uber-entertaining circus of horror..." "A filmmaker whose inspired dark poems suggest borderlands between fragmented realities and the supernatural, Dante Tomaselli whispers of a world where there is little difference between the real and uncanny. Tomaselli’s descents into the delirious are as atmospherically rich as they are visually disturbing, and it is near impossible to leave one of his films without feeling some shadow of transformation."
AWCM "The eeriest and most effective horror moments of the last several years. Recommended." "Outstanding visual flair...breathtaking. Tomaselli uses his camera like an artist uses his brush and the results are spectacular. I can’t stress enough that you should seek out this film and see a talented director doing his thing before he makes it big. We are going to be talking about Dante Tomaselli for many years to come." "Director Dante Tomaselli hikes into the Jersey woods and finds horror within." "It’s weird and untraditional, but its also effective and scary and clearly the work of someone who knows their way around a spooky visual nightmare." "Satan’s Playground is Tomaselli’s best film to date...The score, soundtrack and sound design are superb with Tomaselli and Kenneth Lampl contributing everything from an eerie music box theme to Tomaselli’s trademark layered sound design from hell. The woods even seem to be breathing and whispering amongst themselves at times! Turn this movie up LOUD to get the full horrific effect..." "Director Tomaselli demonstrates a command of the visual that harkens to the works of Dario Argento..." "Tomaselli paints a surreal canvas of hallucinatory imagery...Right from the sepia-toned opening sequence, the image is filled with meticulous lighting and detail which goes far in establishing a mood. Desecration is heads above contemporary independent horror releases." "It’s a little masterpiece in its own right. It delivers everything a good horror movie could possibly offer..." "Tomaselli makes excellent use of shadows and sets and mixes it all up with some great lighting and a lot of extremely sinister symbolism...a unique and impressively creepy experience that won’t soon leave you."
Fangoria "3 1/2 stars. With SATAN’S PLAYGROUND (Anchor Bay), filmmaker Dante Tomaselli uses a traditional drive-in movie story as a way to anchor the hallucinogenic style of his previous films. This tale of a vacationing family lost in the woods, assaulted by a supernatural entity and a freaky backwoods clan, is "old fashioned," as Tomaselli says on his commentary, "but laced with LSD." Running a taut and feverish 81 minutes, this visually striking throwback to 1970s horror classics was shot in 1.85:1 widescreen (16x9-enhanced here) and the atmosphere of dread is immeasurably aided by highly evocative Dolby Digital 5.1 audio. Tomaselli draws strong performances from genre heroines Felissa Rose and Ellen Sandweiss as potential victims and Texas Chainsaw Massacre hitchhiker Ed Neal as one of the crazies, which only adds to the retro feel. Even though Tomaselli clearly loves The Evil Dead and frequently tips his hat, his portrait of a dysfunctional family under pressure feels personal and sometimes scathing. It’s never artsy for its own sake, though, and can just as easily be enjoyed as a spooky funhouse ride -- a character’s paranoid walk down a hallway toward a secret room is a nailbiter that builds to a brutally abrupt jolt. While his commentary and an on camera interview with Tomaselli reveal him as a passionate genre filmmaker...For a more in-depth look at the director, we’ll have to wait for Christopher P.Garetano’s upcoming documentary The Horror of Dante Tomaselli (trailered here) - - but until then, this DVD is a fine addition to a strong filmmaker’s growing body of work."