I am a 30 Yr. old Jedi Master, I am originally from the planet Haruun Kal, where I was born into the Ghsh Windu(A Korunnai tribe/family). After the death of my parents, before I was turned over to the Jedi Order when I was six months old. Like all in the Order, I was apprenticed under Master Yoda before becoming a Padawan. I trained under T'ra Saa for a time.
At a very early age, I learned of my unusual ability to see shatterpoints in the Force and how they would affect my future actions as well as the vunerabilities of my opponents. With these unique abilities, I had glimpses of parts of my future, such as the lightsaber I would eventually build.
By age fourteen, the Jedi Council was concerned with me, for even though I was at the top of my class, I still did not construct the lightsaber that came to me in visions multiple times. I informed the Council that I wanted a true challenge in order to find the best pieces for my lightsaber. After considering this, the Council and my Master sent me on my own to the world of Hurikane. While on this mission, I was at first chased away from the natives that resided there, but after I saved one of them from falling down a chasm, they rewarded me with a crystal. I used this crystal to construct the lightsaber I had seen in my visions and it produced its distinctive purple blade.
Prodigiously talented in the Force, I passed the trials early and was appointed to the Jedi Council at the age of 28 after my exploits during the Arkanian Revolution where I fought the cyborg Gorm the Dissolver.
During my later career, I trained many to be Jedi, including Echuu Shen-Jon (who ultimately survived the Great Jedi Purge), and fellow Council member Depa Billaba. As a senior member of the Council, my lightsaber hilt was uniquely decorated with electrum, a precious metal.
I created my own style of lightsaber combat which became known as Vaapad, the seventh form of combat which developed the incomplete Juyo Form. myself, my former Padawan learner Depa Billaba, and legendary lightsaber instructor Sora Bulq were the only ones to master Vaapad. With my eclectic fighting style, it is said that only my one time friend, Count Dooku, and Yoda could outspar me.
A factor that played into my fighting style was my admission that my biggest character flaw was that I enjoyed fighting, and given the nature of the dark side, this was a very dangerous trait for a Jedi to possess. myself, like Plo Koon, am known to practice powers close to the dark side, even using force crush and force grip at times. In fact, I intentionally created Vaapad to help channel my inner darkness into something more positive.
In addition to being a great warrior and unusually force sensitive, I possess extensive knowledge of Jedi history and philosophy and am known for my diplomatic abilities. I was the Council's primary liaison to the Supreme Chancellor, although the Clone Wars caused me to question my firmest beliefs. In the years before the Clone Wars, I would spearhead many diplomatic and peace-keeping missions, including ones to Yinchorr and Malastare.