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Myspace Layouts at / Ichigo dark - Image Hosting
I have ADHD and acute social anxiety so my mind is constantly finding interesting things :P Id have to say that Anime is one of my top interest. Anime is the drving force that binds this world. Dude, gotta have video games on the list. Books are great, Drawing/doodling too is a decent pasttime but out of it all I love to write; being poetry, short stories or spontaneous haiku's!! Yeah!
Bruce Campbell, Christopher Walken and Alyson Hannigan (in no particular order) ah yes and of course....redheads!!! They rule the planet. Shirley Manson is def a top one of mine as well
Beatles is my number one, after that its Doors, Stones, Nirvana, The Misfits, Black Flag, Agent Orange, Anti-Flag, Bikini Kill, Bowling for Soup, Cramps, Crass, Garbage, Green Day, ah fuck yeah Johnny Cash, man this is taking a minute, I like it all. Anything from 1950-1972 rocks! Blues, Jazz, classical..gimmie some moonlight sonata anyday!!Beastie boys, beatles, billy joel, bjork, blur, bowling for soup, cpal chamber, dandy warhols, david bowie, dennis leary, filter, garbage, goldfinger, greatful dead, hole, ICP, johnny cash, kittie, KMFDM, korn,led zepplin, len, manson, megadeth, nirvana, nin, orgy, primus, prodigy, pulp, rage against the machine, rammstein, rancid, reel big fish, rollins band, sarah mclachlan, smashing pumpkins, static x, sublime, talking heads, tatu, tenacious d, they might be giants, tom petty, type o negative, tori amos, veruca salt, violent femmes, ween, white stripes, white zombie
Evil Dead 1 & 2, Hellraiser, Poltergest, Phantasm, Dead Alive, Tommy Boy, Dumb and Dumber, Bill and Teds Baseketball, Donnie Darko, Seventh Sign The fav, Millo and Otis, Clash of the Titans, The Omen, Princess Bride, Clockwork Orange is my fav cult classic...Invader Zim
Cartoon Network rules!! Anime Network and G4 TV Discovery history and animal planet too, ah yes and spike tv
Clockwork Orange Slaughterhouse 5 and siddartha off top of my head. The La Blue girl series, the Inferno of Dante, Big fan of the shining. 1984 {though its been awhile} Right now Im ready the "incarnations of immortality" series.
Bruce Campbell, Christoper Walken and Alyson Hannigan yes!