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Giuseppe D’Alessandro

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Member Since: 3/7/2008
Band Members: Web designer myspace 4:

Sounds Like: Giuseppe D'Alessandro ( )

a.k.a. kISk©

Curator / dj / producer (born on 6 june 1978 in San Salvo, Italy). From 1998 it cures the sound of atmospheres. It is developing under several sonorous shapes the idea for which, because not there are more musical kinds. So all electronic is found in the bpm like speed of the blood flow. He began his musical career at the age of 10 years playing the accordion.
In 1995, approaching to a song and music in all its facets. At 18 years he moved to Milan for their studies. They start the first collaborations with industry professionals. In 1998, purchases the first Roland and begins its journey towards electronic music. The mixer becomes his new means of communicating, reinvent, interpret the atmosphere of a space. The road to the culture of sound and its many genres and groups open to new creative horizons.
He began phase hard work in the numerous clubs in Milan in 1999 starting from happy hour most elegant of the city, passing through social centres and local radio stations. In 2003 he moved in Bologna to support last year of life of Link / Radio K Central. In 2005 kisk begins to realize his sound to produce it. For kisk the genre is overpassed by BPM (beats per minute), which becomes the new method of classification of electronic music. The bloody speed is own personal emotion and is checking with the BPM music. The meeting in that same year with Tatiana Carelli, writer for Mondadori, gives life to TAJIbpm: creative duo. In 2006 born DISCOkit ®, artist-product (kit sensory stimulation) referred TAJI designer becomes curator. In 2007 TAJI creates ONEboy ©, combination of musicians, dj, vj, producers, readers. In 2008, after a long series of musical productions (Footloversmusic, Core: back records, Tracks4dj records, Ambiguous and Elektrofone records, Genepi Production, Nuhar Records) kisk begins his tour in the world to take his live/dj set.

Pioneer of the west london in italy supports in club of varied nature spacing from the straight case to that one broken, playing ’back to back’ with artists of varied bore, between which seiji, louie austen, shinedoe, feelgood production, the junkies, sigma tibet, paul chambers, tranz lasagne, freakatronic, one boy, taji bpm, mathematics (ny), barbo, hi life connection, hellen & alpha v, system of survivol, j.t.vannelli, ivan iacobucci, painè, mufo, boulevard’s crew, paul of link (bo), konik polny, plunk, fernando poo, pappa rodriguez.. he faces like student who respects the history of the trip hop, of jungle in all its varying and dub step, dark step, teck step, drum’n bass, swing, jazz, acid-funck, house, rock-house, crossover, acid house, clash, fusion, folk, blues, nu jazz, broken bliss, deep, tecno detroit. in 2006 he lands in the ambient soiling the sound in the air.

Project1 is TAJIbpm©
Project2 is DISCOkit®
Project3 is ONEboy©

P1• TAJIbpm©

TAJI is an acronymous of tatiana carelli (mondadori writer, screenwriter/ vocal) and giuseppe d’alessandro (sound designer/ composer). they created taji collaboration mixing sounds, words, ideas and creative peoples. the first birth were discokit® project (kit of sensory stimulations)

P2• DISCOkit®

30_05_06 new web site proj. on line/ ;
31_05_06 premionomade 2006 (digital art festival) link (bo) italy discokit® (1° prize) discocaine monodose 0.2 | video_ benedetta panisson music_ kisk, fernando poo (;
29_07_06 fuckparade (berlin) germany, fernando poo 4 discokit®, project joprec (live set);
15_08_06 aqualand del vasto (ch) italy, guest sound joe t. vannelli, prive’ kisk 4 discokit® (dj set);
08_10_06 the placard headphone festival (milan) italy, taji bpm 4 discokit® (live set), 03:00 am / 03:30 am, 03:30 am / 04:00 am;
18_11_06 open space exhibition - palazzo candiani (mestre-venezia), installation of taji 4 discokit®;
30_11_06 babilonia magazine - tatiana carelli 4 discokit® concept novel: on defect, virtue.
15_01_07 rockerilla magazine - lara facco 4 discokit® in contemporary art;
18_04-07 intervallo 4 discokit® c/o televisionet in fuori salone delmobile 2007; exsposition safety box and m/s of tajibpm; videopewrformance benedetta panisson with oneboy "discocaine monodose 0.1 (35 min. 58 sec.);
15_05_07 discokit® in "straf" milano, italy; oneboy performance and exsposition safety box with m/s of tajibpm | c-prayer festival 2007, tajibpm and oneboy performance. exposition ms of tajibpm with lite structure of vandalart | project "discocaine monodose 0.1"4 discokit® videoperformance benedetta panisson. time 36:50sec. (kisk concept) discokit is a work about idea that the b.p.m. (bit per minute) is our time speed blood’s. the assembly has been made constructing the sound on the evolution of the images. when the speed changes to the image modification. the structure of the variation, from 80 to 160 bpm, has been calculated with the gold section (sezione aurea 0,618). so all sounds composition’s are a variation beetween bpm speed in electronic style touching all classicals musical kinds. with this work don’t exist more musicals kinds, only emotional blood. in loop;
05_07_07 to 02_08_07 discokit® & discokid© 4 happy bazar + art expo @ 4cento, il più bel salotto della milano estiva, in via campazzino;
14. 20_09_07 tajibpm feat oneboy at c-prayer festival, milan;
22_09_07 from the 22 september, tajibpm© introduces discokit® 4 lime light. every saturday, in the privè of the lime light (former propaganda) to milan;
13_12_2007 /15_01_2008 exposition of tajibpm (reflex sound system collection + discokit®) 4 intervallo at 4cento via campazzino 11 milan;
16/17_02_2008 discokit® at gemito festival 2008 in alessandria (;
31_03_2008 oneboy at miart 2008 @ puzzlepoint, via orseolo 7 , milan;
04_04_08 oneboy performance at puzzle4peace @ skatepark /bovisa, via cedevale 15, milan;
19_04_08 salone del mobile 2008: oneboy performance 4 free:go expo, spazio maderna/ via maderna 13, milan;
20_04_08 fuori salone del mobile 2008: kisk live set 4 puzzle4peace @ spazio ansaldo, milan;
27/28_04_2008 discokit® at gemito festival 2008 in torino ( 11_09_08 discokit® at B ART, via Casale 6, Milano
20_09_08 discokit® at AD hair, milan; (
30_10_08 discokit® at AD HAIR, via S. Tecla 3, Milano
25_12_08 discokit® perfromance 4 Nuhar Records in Genova on F - Diamond boat

P3• ONEboy©

ONEboy is a plan that distills the idea that anyone can at this point make music. oneboy is the boy any, without name. the group becomes therefore the idea for which it does not import more the name but the product.

Dj kISk:
* kISk + Yapacc at Verve Club, milan;
* fuorisalonedelmobile 2008 kisk 4 free:go, puzzle4peace in spazio ansaldo, puzzlepoint, casa dell’energia, skatepark Bovisa in milan;
* miart 2008 kisk4 puzzle4peace, Scarti, milan;
* c-prayer festival 2007 with oneboy and tajibpm;
* kisk 4 nokia at suono, torino with massi dl; - kisk 4 nokia at la casa 139, milan with st. vincent (usa); - kisk 4 nokia at spazio 211, torino with port royale;
* kisk 4 nokia at kama kama/ tenax, with mass prod in summer 2007;
* kisk at link joprec rec event (bo) 2006;
* premionomade 2006 with fernando poo (berlin, joprec rec) and tatiana carelli (book), video benedetta panisson. track audio ’discocaine monodose 0.2’ (1° prize);
* curator discokit® (with tatiana carelli, mondadori) project on line from 2006;
* haedophone music festival 2006, milan day;
* curator/dj resident: play different - night; electronicbody&house music.(farmagia, radio k centrale, link, bologna) 2004/05;
* dj resident at ’cibomatto’ vasto (ch) in 2004;
* dj resident at the "brunch" of old fashion, milano, 2004;
* presentation swimming pool of "down town" center, milano, 2003;
* dj resident at the loft of "cargo" etnic lounge club, premuda street, milano, 2001/2002;
* dj resident jazz cafè at the castle gambrinus summer 2000- 2001, vasto (ch)

Curator sound environment:
* kISk @ Frip 4 MARIOS, Milano
* Music 4 presentation of HENRIK VIBSKOV @ Wok Store, Mialno, dj set
* Music 4 Polygon Crash (Documentary, Berlino) Biennale di Venezia 2008, Checkinarchitecture exsposition, con Alberto Corrado e Andrea Chisesi.
* Music 4 Shalky Qassem Al Qasem (QQ), haut couture @ ombra del colosseo, luglio 2008, Roma;
* SenzaBrera- Vuoti di memoria (Rai Educational) di Gianna Mazzini Mention d’Honneur (Individual sport) / assistente di produzione, 2007
* presentation of Capri style at Tritone 2007, milano;
* presentation of thermal pool in the complex DownTown, with Funny and Antonella Elia 2005, milano;
* Orea Malia exsposition salone del mobile 2004, milano;
* collection of clone italy, milano | settimana della moda 2003;
* exsposition of carlo ninchi –teatro filodrammatici milano 2002;
* presentation book at levisred®, shop p.ta ticinese, milano, italy 2002;
* open clone® shop milano;
* biennale di venezia 2002, presentation of "vaporetto";
* video art in officine alchemiche studio bologna 2001;
* exsposition of andrea galvani | galleria ercolani, bologna 2001;

Dj set:
* in milan: Old fashion, Straf, Tritone (studios "capri style"), Just Cavalli, trattoria Toscana (2001-’02-’03), Exploit (2002-’03), Europe cafè, Palco, Maru, B.Art, Maxim, Tribeca, spazio Ansaldo, Puzzlepoint, spazio Maderna, Maxim, la Casa 139, Fashion cafè, Cargo (2002/2003 | salone del mobile 2001/2002), Pergolatribe ..
* in florence: Tenax/ Kama Kama;
* in bergamo: Fluid;
* in torino: Spazio 211, Suono di torino (ex Hipe);
* in bologna: Link, Cassero, Velvet, Farmagia, giardini del Guasto;


Album 12 Tracks/ TAJIbpm aka kISk and Tatiana Carelli (DISCOkit/ INgrooves Records)

Buy now on iTunes

1. Krono - kISk (Original mix)
2. Krono - kISk (Dende Remix)
3. Sodo - kISk (Original mix)
4. Rolling Stop - kISk (Original mix)

Buy now on Beatport

Album 12 Tracks:

1. Break'n T - kISk (Original mix)
2. BrokenG - kISk (Original mix)
3. 130bpm - kISk (Original mix)
4. Bdsm - kISk (Original mix)
5. Twilight - kISk (Original mix)
6. Dui - kISk (Original mix)
7. Les cirques de la rue - kISk (Original mix)
8. Occhio alla Cenere - kISk (Original mix)
9. PH 6 - kISk (Original mix)
10. Rock'n ball - kISk (Original mix)
11. T4 - kISk (Original mix)
12. UF5 - kISk (Original mix)

Buy now on iTunes

1. Niut - kISk (Original mix)
2. Niut - kISk (Robi J and Paolo Driver Remix)
3. Niut - kISk (Gennaro Mastrantonio Remix)

Buy now on Beatport

1. Ritmoso - kISk (Original mix)
2. Ritmoso - kISk (Hakim Murphy Remix)

EP Download free

1. Reed kISk (Original mix)
2. Skatemoss - kISk (Original mix)

EP Download free

1. Naomy - kISk (Original mix)
2. Sonal - kISk (Original mix)

EP Download free

1. Hot Wheel - TAJIbpm (kISk Remix)

EP Download free

1. Ubi - kISk (Original mix)
2. Napoli - kISk (Original mix)
3. Ne me baiser pas - Tajibpm (kISk Remix)
4. Tanka - Tajibpm (kISk Remix)
5. Phrenology - TAJIbpm (Gennaro Mastrantonio Remix)
6. Over and Over - kISk (Original mix)

Buy now on Junodownload

"SIVA" [Aegean Neuromancer Remixxs & Variations] - kISk aka JDA remix: 2/12 tracks Lp

LP Download free

PASS album 7 tracks/ coming soon

Genepi production page

1. Bmw Taxi (Original mix) - kISk - Dr. Robert - Amande/ coming soon
2. Green Bus (Original mix) - kISk - Dr. Robert/ coming soon

Dr. Robert page
Amande page

Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

BPM EVOLUTION @ personale di Andrea Contin

Posted by on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 04:25:00 GMT Blogs - Giuseppe D'Alessandro 4 Costumenational C'N'C' contest - kI
Posted by on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 10:16:00 GMT

PANORAMA 20.09.08 Corrado/ Chisesi/ D'Alessandro/ kISk
Posted by on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 14:11:00 GMT

Guarda questo video: kISk music 4 Shalky Qassem Al Qasem (QQ)

Guarda questo video: kISk music 4 Shalky Qassem Al Qasem (QQ)
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 14:50:00 GMT