amanda joanne || sixteen || california || taken
ive been through alot, ill go through alot more. im still young. i consider my glass half full.
the best way to get to know me, is to talk. but you can read this if you want. im akward and clutzy, but rarely embarrassed. i dance all the time. i havent eaten meat in almost 3 years. i think i smile to much, and can never keep a straight face. im not the cool kid at school, and im just fine with that. im shy at first, but very friendly. i do my best to hold my heart in my own hands, and keep my head out of the clouds. i have a hard time letting go of things. bad or good. im really laid back, and know how to have fun. i think high fives are under rated. i clean up nice, but love to get dirty. in the literal and nonsexual sense. i get very paranoid very easily. im generally rather patient with people, but even i have a breaking point. i have a bad memory, forgive me. ive been told that i act older than i am, but i consider myself a good balance of immature and grown up, and i can adjust to different situations well. im a child of the wrong era. i find things that are old and broken down-looking the most aesthetically pleasing. ive been told i can be intimidating, which i think is hilarious. im excited to see my generation in 20 years. truely ignorant people bother me. i would much rather be called a bitch than fake. alot of people often underestimate my intelligence. im very open minded. its human nature to judge people, but i dont let those judgements get in the way of getting to know people for who they really are. ive been told im a good listener, but i know that im not very good at giving advice. i'll be on formal probation until october. ive made my fair share of mistakes and have learned from each one of them. life is what you make it.