The Matadors of Shame profile picture

The Matadors of Shame

About Me

Booking: [email protected]
As told by Cale Sauter
There was a time when a wordsmith with an acoustic guitar and a few clever turns of phrase could become a pied paper, drawing the youth of America out of comfortable hiding into a ratty local joint or house party. As underground music has expanded and become more experimental, songs that told stories or had meaning to young people coming of age seemed to give way to fashion and irreverence.
The Matadors of Shame, however, are on the frontline of a second wave of heart-on-sleeve story-telling, although they’ve replaced the acoustic guitars with drunken, ramshackle punk rock.
Under the guise of guys just wanting to have fun, there is a sense of confession in the band’s rhetoric. They’re like the guy next to you at a party who he begins to feel the euphoria of alcohol thinning the bloodstream and starts to explain the meaning of it all to you while you’re just relaxing. If for only one moment in time, this person is convinced they have it figured out — only to start over from dehydrated scratch the next morning. One would be hard-pressed to find a more honest soundtrack to being 20-something in East Lansing than the Matadors’ five-star notebook punk rock.

My Interests


Member Since: 27/10/2005
Band Website: right here dude
Band Members: Anthony Adani - vocals/guitar/bass
Dino Adani - drums

other members:
Andrew Amato
Influences: metaphors and analogies... and the more than occasional drink.
Sounds Like:

THE MATADORS OF SHAME - If We Go Down, We Go Down Together (CD)
Twelve loose tales of drinking on the porch with your friends 'til the sun comes up, kicking around East Lansing, balancing school, work, drinking, being in a band and drinking. Made several critics top-10 of '07 lists and is an absolute must for any fans of The Lawrence Arms, Samiam, Jawbreaker or Hot Water Music. $10 1. The Introduction
2. I've Made a Huge Mistake
3. Drunks with Batteries
4. Forget May 10th
5. 1 Hour of Impact
6. A Brief Autobiography
7. This One Time...
8. Vernacular? Damn Near Killed 'er
9. Rum Runners
10. The Swell
11. The East
12. The West

Record Label: Bermuda Mohawk Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

added songs

I put up 2 songs that we later decided were going to replace 2 other songs on There's Nowhere Left. You can download them and shit since they aren't in the copy of the full version we put up for free.
Posted by on Fri, 27 Mar 2009 02:27:00 GMT

Fuck it, We’re doin it!

Ok its back again we're booking a tour to fest, through fest and after fest until all our money is gone. then getting more money and doing it again. I know this announcement is broad but this is as fa...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 22:08:00 GMT

A very special announcement... revisited

All previous statements are still true. The records are still up for free download and we are still touring in October just an abridged version to Gainesville and back for the Fest 7. A van doesnt loo...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Aug 2008 08:31:00 GMT

A very special announcement.

In celebration of our new album "There's Nowhere Left", we have released it for free download along with all of our previous albums. You can find the discography by clicking on the ad under our "sound...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 23:00:00 GMT

CD, the move, the tour

Well we can officially say that the CD is done. At least in terms of the phsyical music. We picked up the final master a couple days ago. Mat did a fantastic job on it and we couldn't be more pleased....
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 11:21:00 GMT

Mastering, Shows and Austrians

The 1st Masters are in. They sound rediculous, just need some minor adjustments. No expected release date yet, but it will be before it gets cold again. I'm sure you're all wanting the track listing.....
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 13:48:00 GMT

New Rough Mixes

Mr. Halliday has been nice enough to send us some rough mixes from the record.  We have posted what are tentitively the first 2 tracks from the LP.  We decided on the title "What are you wil...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 07:16:00 GMT

Studio Update (Day 7 and 8)

Thursday was rough....another voice shattering day that ended early.  Friday I woke up feeling the worst i'd felt this week, but managed to get all the vocals finished.  The record is 96% co...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 11:40:00 GMT

Studio Update (Day 6)

My voice took a shit.
Posted by on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 16:03:00 GMT

Studio Update (Day 5)

I just watched the movie Swimming  Pool and I'm so confused it hurts.  On a  lighter note....all instrument tracking is done for the record.  Drums, guitar, and bass are all finish...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 23:41:00 GMT