My name is Graham Stoner. For the past two thousand years I have been involved in pre-production on my first feature film based on my first feature screenplay entitled; Stillborn. As well as that, I have also finished another feature. A spin-off entitled; We Were Trojans. another character piece but unlike it's parent' Stillborn feature. It has a rather bizarre techno thriller narrative involving corporate espionage and revenge, all this is superfluous to the philosophic debate that the two central characters are forever involved in. Their question; what is love? Makes me sound like a bit of a nonce.Reliquary is a character piece, melancholy in atmosphere and with religious allegories set against the backdrop of Brighton. I've recycled some of the characters from Stillborn and used them in a short film I'm due to shoot once the script has been completed.In 2007 I moved out of my parents garden and down to Brighton. It have been a long time since I've worked on a film but I recently aquired a camera so now I can continue with my film work. In the mean time I've been editing the script to Stillborn in order to streamline many of the ideas. I'm also working on some crazy fucked up script entitled Underclass. This is your typical action/gangster/drug flick about a town that has been made into Europes largest open air prison.Looks like my proper first feature will be 24 Miles North but that's on a need to know basis only.I am also interested in shooting music videos and other shorts. Unfortunately I had to turn down the opportunity to shoot a video for the Cardiff band; The Stop Motion Men due to my own personal financial reasons. And I've been inadvertently putting off many opportunities to shoot Laid To Waste! But now they're no longer about. Shame, really.Previous media orientated work can be seen on the £24 Drink. Also be sure to check out my friends work; Psy has his music to listen to and rate while Dog Boy is displaying his artwork.