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Member Since: 07/03/2008
Band Members: ..
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Influences: Freestyle Fellowship,Quannum Spectrum,J5,lmno,2mex,def jux,premo,peanutbutter wolf,madlib,jay dee,mc paul barrman,hadsome boy modeling school,anti con,pepole under the stairs,All involved in the 70's funk explosion,baron zen,and million others but most of all those who grind on the streets and keep us on our toes,channel inteness emotion through the 5 element's Dj,Mc,B-boy,Writer,and the lost art of the beat box,6blocc,skream,benga,babylon system,coki,n-type,kromestar,rusko,HIP-HOP LIFE!
Sounds Like: milk and cookies
Record Label: stayhood
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

doin work

so ive been in the studio with leak for like 6 days and im crankin em out so be forwarned that im going to bombared you with new shit really soon,thank you everyone for waiting for me to get my shit t...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 18:13:00 GMT