I'd like to meet all the happy, friendly, kynd folks everywhere. Too flat for ya? Sorry.
Perhaps I will find a friendly nome who will take me on an adventure to wonderland. One would think that Alice would be nice treat to meet. I would like to sit and ponder concepts and values with Thomas Jefferson. I would like to find meet a real Jeannie-in-a-bottle and get MY three FREE wishes!! Hell, I would like to BE the Jeannie-in-the-bottle. How fun that would be. And then we could live in Gingerbread houses. But where would you put it? Why did the the Gingerbread house never get eaten? There are varmit that eat wood, burrow through drywall, and crumble concrete...what do they have against sugar and spice and everything gooey? Where is this land of nonconfection consuming rodents and critters? But, perhaps, we DON'T want to go there -- what would we do without sugar and spice to bribe folks for what we MUST have? LOL I'm going to go find some cookies and a cappuccino now!
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