Impervious - incapable of being injured or impaired ; impervious to wear and tear
Impervious - incapable of being influenced, persuaded, or affected ; impervious to illogic, nonsense, or fear ; I believe in an impervious truth
IMPERVIOUS - The newest up and coming Hip-Hop artist who maintains originality and integrity within his passion driven works of art. While the industry insists on being in control IMPERVIOUS recognizes the fact that without him and other artists who are as in love with music as much as he is then there is no industry, just a shell of what very well could be the driving force of American culture, society, economy, stability, peace, and Life in general. Although he grew up flirting with the poverty line he never let the evil pull of money and greed grab a hold of him. But through it all he learned that he didn’t want to remain in that lifestyle when he grew up, if not for himself than for his family. He has never been afraid to be himself and refuses to conform, he chooses to be a leader rather than a follower and this had earned him the title of a pariah while growing up but has now moved on to just being called creatively inclined. But this drove him to write his first rap in the third grade, which came to him fluently due to his poetic capabilities acquired while in kindergarten. He thanks God for the gift that He has bestowed upon him and looks forward to sharing it with the world.Music is Life - IMPERVIOUS Lives
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